How Rich Are You?

which income level are you

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New Member
Around 200K a year. Every penny undeclared. :)
Did I mention my neighbor is an IRS agent, Maybe I should collect the reward, 10% of whatever you didn't pay. But no, I'm not a squeeler. Maybe you shouldn't be bragging about it on an open mike though. Believe me, they have the intell to find you, and I do believe there are feds watching this site.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Did I mention my neighbor is an IRS agent, Maybe I should collect the reward, 10% of whatever you didn't pay. But no, I'm not a squeeler. Maybe you shouldn't be bragging about it on an open mike though. Believe me, they have the intell to find you, and I do believe there are feds watching this site.
Careful Med...Uncle Buck will accuse you of having a persecution complex if you keep that paranoia stuff up. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Did I mention my neighbor is an IRS agent, Maybe I should collect the reward, 10% of whatever you didn't pay. But no, I'm not a squeeler. Maybe you shouldn't be bragging about it on an open mike though. Believe me, they have the intell to find you, and I do believe there are feds watching this site.

i was waiting for this post.


Well-Known Member
Did I mention my neighbor is an IRS agent, Maybe I should collect the reward, 10% of whatever you didn't pay. But no, I'm not a squeeler. Maybe you shouldn't be bragging about it on an open mike though. Believe me, they have the intell to find you, and I do believe there are feds watching this site.
why even post shit like this??????


Well-Known Member
i was waiting for this post.
Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed to 'How big of a RAT is the OP?'

Make a threat to become a government informant and one introduces the possibility that it has crossed one's mind.

Thus exposing oneself as an R-A-T.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Did I mention my neighbor is an IRS agent, Maybe I should collect the reward, 10% of whatever you didn't pay. But no, I'm not a squeeler. Maybe you shouldn't be bragging about it on an open mike though. Believe me, they have the intell to find you, and I do believe there are feds watching this site.
I'll take my chances. :) Thanks for the concern though, believe me, I've looked into it. My net worth is hardly in liquid assets. Not to mention it's an untraceable medium. Anyways, thanks Rob for the rep. :)


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed to 'How big of a RAT is the OP?'

Make a threat to become a government informant and one introduces the possibility thus it has crossed one's mind.

Thus exposing oneself as an R-A-T.
it's an "honest living". lol fat reward and all. :)


New Member
he threatens me all the time. :sleep:

then SWEARS he has no jealousy brewing. :roll:
Alright Fdd, show me the proof I threatened you. I think you are just a pussy, and take everything I say seriously. I Have actually threatened a couple a assholes on this site, but mostly I'm just joking, and Fdd, you aint worth threatening, you are a fucking cripple, "your words", and I don't pick on cripples.


New Member
don't get to feelin' special. i think med has threatened just about everyone who doesn't embrace his rather perverted outlook.:bigjoint:
Outside of calling you an Idiot, (I don't see the threat) or a few other choice names, (like you haven't reciprocated), I seriously doubt I'd threaton a pussy like you. Even if I did, how the hell could I carry it out? I certainly don't have the internet smarts to track you down, and even if I did, why would I bother over some bullshit posting. Me thinks you righties are way too sensitive. You can dish it out, but certainly can't take it., says he guffawing into the room.


New Member
Here's the deal on these threat accusations: Prove them to be serious or shut the fuck up. Threatening as in I'd like to kick youre ass is not a valid threat, because I would only be threatening some internet name, not really the real person, so, invalid. What is a threat to an internet name have to do with reality? Answer, nothing. How would I ever be able to contact the real person with the faux name and actually beat their ass? There were a couple of dudes on this site a long while ago that I wish I could of found, but this other bullshit is just that, bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal on these threat accusations: Prove them to be serious or shut the fuck up. Threatening as in I'd like to kick youre ass is not a valid threat, because I would only be threatening some internet name, not really the real person, so, invalid. What is a threat to an internet name have to do with reality? Answer, nothing. How would I ever be able to contact the real person with the faux name and actually beat their ass? There were a couple of dudes on this site a long while ago that I wish I could of found, but this other bullshit is just that, bullshit.
youve been here a while... why get banned over some stupid shit? and seripusly enough with your whinning already please... go smoke a joint of your favorite weed and chill


New Member
I'd like to know what you consider whining. The righties on this site know my agenda and take every chance to put me down, I respond in kind and they call the mods and bitch. I have never called on the mods to complain on another poster, in 4+ years, so, I'm really not the whiner on this site. You have deducted that from the alliances you've gathered from others on the right. Don't believe everything you read on RIU.