I beg to differ, I paid into my SS for 50+ years, You are collecting on SSI, Basically unfunded except by us that paid into it full term. SSI is one reason that SS is being depleted so fast. Everyone with a crossways fart up their ass finds a way to get it by hiring a lawer and a doctor. I don't whine. That is a moniker supplied by those on the right on this site because I take the rich to task. I have all I need. If I wanted something as stupid and vane as a 400.00 pair of sunglasses, I certainly could afford them. I just see something like that as wastful spending, unless they are perscription, but to each his own. My perscription glasses cost every bit of 450.00, and they are wonderful. I outgrew vanity years ago. Believe me, I have not one scintilla of jealousy towards you. So don't even go there.