All we should ever do is leave people alone if they are leaving us alone. It's really that simple. Arguments that attempt to justify initiating force are founded on an illogical premise, government force cannot and should not be excepted or accepted.
Your logic is way too general in this heavily populated country. The government absolutely needs to iniciate force in keeping volatile entities in check. Gangs in inner cities for example. In fact that may be one of the main function of government, keeping the lid on the crazies. As I've said, there are way too many rules on individuals and not enough on corporations. The problem with this country and reigning in rogue corporations, and their key management, whom I guess we'll disagree on their compensation packages, is the Multinational phenomenem. Large corporations no longer owe alliance to the USA, even though most of them got their start here. If the US government pisses them off, they just move their operations abroad to cheap labor, low taxes and No rules, like pollution rules. How the American work force is ever going to be rebuilt is beyond my understanding. With technical jobs being outsourced to India, Corporations moving manufacturing jobs to china and other cheap labor countries, bringing in engineers and other skilled people from foriegn countries to work for way less wages, how is a young American to catch a break. Americans pay high college costs, while a lot of foriegn countries pay for college. Unless the parents are well endowed financially, most High school grads may only be able to go to the 2 year Jr. colleges, which is not enough to place well in the work environment. We are fast becoming a 3rd world country. With the stagnate wages, loss of wages period, and no new jobs available because our government is under management by corporate America, this countries middle class is destined to the trash heap. I guess my neighborhood will continue to grow in foriegn residency as they are the only ones with capital. In America, foriegners are allowed to buy American property unabated. Try that in other foriegn countries, Mexico for example, has many restrictions on foriegn buyers, also as a sidenote, In mexico, if one is found there illegally, they go to prison, no mamby pamby immigration rules.