light poisoning...can i please have a hermie just this once...


Active Member
ok so I'm 6 days into flowering and i realized the other day that I'm just flat out not gonna have enuff room to keep all of my plants (10 master kush plants from dp, 1 sags strawberry d-lite and 1 smile from kannabia) i want to hermie my master kush. its been on 12/12 since day 1 of flowering but last night i took it out of my grow room and set it up in another location with a few cfl's (3 23w cfls) to continue the light cycle past 12/ got 24hrs of light and today didnt get any dark periods...just straight back in the grow room when 12hrs of light started today.

what type of light poisoning schedule would be most effect at nearly a week into flowering to make this thing hermie? ive heard dp's fem seeds have hermie issues to begin with lately so seeing as its a fem seed im hoping i wont have to mess with its schedule too much/for too long.

so what have you all found that works best for inducing a hermie with light?


Well-Known Member
you just need to interrupt the 12 hours of darkness several times, usually a few days will do fine. sounds like you are on the right track and should prob see them within 5-10 days. (strain dependent)


Active Member
Why do you want to hermie a plant for which there is no room?
well right now i keep it near the hid light but not directly under it (no room) but since my goal is making some seeds im not concerned with the quality of the buds it produces...more so the seeds ill harvest...the buds will probably get used for hash oil or cannabutter...or if im lazy i may just smoke it as is.


Active Member
you might just reveg it mate..
i hope not. for the last few days ive put it under 12/12 with the rest of them but right smack in the middle of the dark period i pull it out of the room and put it under cfls for an hr...then back in the dark (as i was directed to on here)...

so far i havent seen signs of it revegging...i also havent spotted and signs of it going hermie either...time will tell...i might just ruin that plant beyond belief but its better than just junking it in the trash.


Well-Known Member
well right now i keep it near the hid light but not directly under it (no room) but since my goal is making some seeds im not concerned with the quality of the buds it produces...more so the seeds ill harvest...the buds will probably get used for hash oil or cannabutter...or if im lazy i may just smoke it as is.
you are doing it wrong, you dont keep the plant you want to hermie in with the other plants, you want to have it seperated and then use its pollen to pollinate the plants you want to breed in a controlled area, one bud can make tons of seeds while not effecting the rest of the non-hermie plants buds in a controlled manner.


Well-Known Member
i hope not. for the last few days ive put it under 12/12 with the rest of them but right smack in the middle of the dark period i pull it out of the room and put it under cfls for an hr...then back in the dark (as i was directed to on here)...

so far i havent seen signs of it revegging...i also havent spotted and signs of it going hermie either...time will tell...i might just ruin that plant beyond belief but its better than just junking it in the trash.
dont believe everything you read mate, you have more chance of it trying to reveg than hermieing, i believe if a plant is going to turn hermy it will no matter wot you do, i could be wrong but why ruin a tidy girl...


Active Member
you are doing it wrong, you dont keep the plant you want to hermie in with the other plants, you want to have it seperated and then use its pollen to pollinate the plants you want to breed in a controlled area, one bud can make tons of seeds while not effecting the rest of the non-hermie plants buds in a controlled manner.
im only keeping it in the grow room until i see the nut sacks hanging...then i plan on separating it. i been checking it everyday. the pollen wont be released right away. it will take a few weeks once they develop.


Active Member
Just buy (or make) some colloidal silver and you can grow balls whenever you want.
where can colloidal silver be purchased? i understand health stores sell it as a wonder substance to drink but heard it wasnt potent enough to work effectively.

know any other sources?

i do plan on making some...its just i needed to do something with this extra plant quick so i though i'd play with light poisoning this time.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I tried the light poisoning and all it did was keep my plants in veg. I tried with two different strains, running 12 hours on, 5.5 hours off, 1 hour on, then 5.5 off. They kind of sputtered, then started growing in veg mode again. I finally gave up and put them to flower. now I'm trying CS. Has ANYONE gotten light poisoning to work?


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that having more than 2 on/off switches in 24 hours could beneficial (up in morning = 1, off at night 2) anything more than that is completely unnatural and impossible to find in nature I'll bet exuding something like a exploding fireball meteor rainshower.

Its possible, although some more unlikely than others, that almost anything people do to benefit plants (LST train, pinch, feed bat crap) could happen in nature (something falls over forces LST, something eats plant causes pinching, bat shits around plant, etc. But going from dark to light to dark to light in 24 hours is totally unnatural and I just don't see how it could possibly benefit (the plants are wired to look for signs of veg time and flower time


Well-Known Member
differtn strains react differnt some it wont bother. i just did a grow. one time i went in and truned the light on. and 3 of the four went hermie i was 8 weeks in flowering....