PH testing water with nutrients.


I recently started growing my first plant, and so far it's gone smoothly. I do have a problem though. I've started using nutrients now, these are from Biobizz, and are called Bio-Grow. They're organic, and are pretty much black/brown in color. So obviously I have some problems with using my liquid PH tester.
They way my tester works is that I put some of the water in a small vial, add a few drops of a solution, shake, and check the color on the chart. So when the water is already brown, wouldn't that make the finished color show wrongly? Is there a way to accurately know the PH using this PH kit?
Also, if someone knows. Does the Bio-grow actually affect PH? If not, it would be great, because then I could just check PH before I add the nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Are you using an aquarium pH test kit?? If not, I think you are using a kit that is designed to read the pH of clear water (such as a pool or hot tub.)

Most folks use a digital pH meter.


Well-Known Member
I do not even worry about Ph when growing organic. If your tap water(or whatever the source)is between 6-7.5 you should be fine. If not adjust to that range then add nutes..............
Are you using an aquarium pH test kit?? If not, I think you are using a kit that is designed to read the pH of clear water (such as a pool or hot tub.).
Nah, it's supposed to be used for plants. It says on the kit "Fill the tube 1/2 full with the nutrient solution (aka. the water with the nutrients in it.. this is where i'm stuck, cause of the color and all..). Also, it says that most plants like this and this PH blah blah..

I do not even worry about Ph when growing organic. If your tap water(or whatever the source)is between 6-7.5 you should be fine. If not adjust to that range then add nutes..............
Hmm.. Well my water is at about 8.. I tried just using the tap water, then adding 2-3 ML of the nutes, then checked PH.. it was actually at 6.5. So pretty good, but then again.. if it was just because the water was brown to begin with.. I dunno. very confusing.


Well-Known Member

I recently started growing my first plant, and so far it's gone smoothly. I do have a problem though. I've started using nutrients now, these are from Biobizz, and are called Bio-Grow. They're organic, and are pretty much black/brown in color. So obviously I have some problems with using my liquid PH tester.
They way my tester works is that I put some of the water in a small vial, add a few drops of a solution, shake, and check the color on the chart. So when the water is already brown, wouldn't that make the finished color show wrongly? Is there a way to accurately know the PH using this PH kit?
Also, if someone knows. Does the Bio-grow actually affect PH? If not, it would be great, because then I could just check PH before I add the nutrients.
Ahhh the liquid test kit.

Do your sample and pour it on some white paper. That'll give you a clearer reading.

If your water sample is brown, shoot for a brownish/orange hue after ph adjustment (if you really think that's necessary)

However, if you have already confirmed that your ph is around 6.5 using what you use, you can throw away the ph kit. Your ph should fall into a favorable range even with double the nutes.
Ok, that sounds good. I also received an email from Biiobizz telling me that their products apparently doesn't affect PH..


Well-Known Member
i use the ff organic line and ive never noticed a shift in ph to be honest..... My tap is legit out the gate so i dont have to worry about ph at my current place.


Well-Known Member
i use the ff organic line and ive never noticed a shift in ph to be honest..... My tap is legit out the gate so i dont have to worry about ph at my current place.
FF only has 1 organic product, Big Bloom. The others are not. FYI (excluding their dry products)


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom drops my 7.4 water to 5.8 even after adding BB/GB
Save your pennies and buy a digital meter
if you want the easiest way to monitor your water.