I'm kinda suspect as to how effective those dogs are. I was on a trip in an rural area south of St. Louis a long time ago when I was a teenager with a friend of mine. I brought about 3/4 of an OZ of herb along with me for the trip from home. So we are cruising down this back country road and we see police lights in the distance. Long story short it was a sobriety check setup where they were pulling all traffic into to be searched. So being the city boys we are in the middle of redneckville we are definitely under heavy scrutiny. They literally tore apart dudes whole car. They went as far as to opening up hs tape cases (the days of casettes) to look in them and make sure nothing was hidden. So they have us up against the car, searching our persons when they bring a drug dog over to search the car. I have a about a half ounce of weed left at this point balled up in my sock just above my ankle. Cop misses it during the pat down, and the dog walks literally less than 2 ft away from me as it is being walked through/around the car, never signals at all. We ride out of there unscathed. And that is not the only time I have seen a drug dog walk right past drugs without paying the least bit of attention.Damned police dogs, from what i've watched experienced and been told, it' a bit of a crap shoot, i've seen so many instances where either the handler had no idea of what the dogs meanings were, and just interpret it as drugs, or that the dogs are just prompted into giving false positives because hell, let's search him!
Either way though, fair play to that guy, quite an achievement. I have to say i've never quite understood the mentality that states your doing something very illegal, hell, wihtout even a license, so it makes sense to speed in excess.
I would suggest a trip to the Wizard of Oz.lol that sucks for that guy, id recommend some cologne or something
lol w/o a doubt.. Thats what I told a friend in the pen now for 3.. yep 3 busts before he got to court the first time...I would suggest a trip to the Wizard of Oz.
Yeah similar event happend to me,but onley had a dime.I'm kinda suspect as to how effective those dogs are. I was on a trip in an rural area south of St. Louis a long time ago when I was a teenager with a friend of mine. I brought about 3/4 of an OZ of herb along with me for the trip from home. So we are cruising down this back country road and we see police lights in the distance. Long story short it was a sobriety check setup where they were pulling all traffic into to be searched. So being the city boys we are in the middle of redneckville we are definitely under heavy scrutiny. They literally tore apart dudes whole car. They went as far as to opening up hs tape cases (the days of casettes) to look in them and make sure nothing was hidden. So they have us up against the car, searching our persons when they bring a drug dog over to search the car. I have a about a half ounce of weed left at this point balled up in my sock just above my ankle. Cop misses it during the pat down, and the dog walks literally less than 2 ft away from me as it is being walked through/around the car, never signals at all. We ride out of there unscathed. And that is not the only time I have seen a drug dog walk right past drugs without paying the least bit of attention.