time non existent


Well-Known Member
I shall start off with saying prior to this trip, I had a very bad incestuous dream, in which i woke up feeling that i had no choice but to have that dream, because we had "experimented" when we were younger. Thinking that my life was pre-determined gave me lots of anxiety and depression. It was like every time i would think about it, I was thinking i have no other choice but to think this. And experience this pre-destined emotion (which was depression because of the pre-determined thought). So after that dream I was in a state of pure confusion for a year and a half. I'm talking incredible amounts of mental pain. And it sucked even worse knowing that I have no choice but to feel this. And that every single action in this universe is destined based off of the past. Like right after the big bang, all that energy and life had only one destination, which was outward. That gave me depression. Until recently when I was on 20mg paxil and 600-800 mg DXM. This was spread out between a twenty four hour experience though. First thing I remember was feeling kinda good. I was living with my brother and our relationship on the outside was perceived to be good, but on the inside it felt horrible. Well at least to me. Now while I was on that trip, I opened up to him and wept for a minute of two, and it just felt like the whole world lifted off my shoulders. I was no longer depressed the only emotion I knew was love. And that's all that I was feeling for a day or two. Then I remembered about the thought in which I previously constantly obsessed about, and realized that it was negative anymore. In fact it was positive. So I went from being happy to being a thousand times happier. I felt like I knew something in which nobody else knew except god and I. It was quite sureal. I didn't know what to do, but it just came to me. I felt like some other higher power was in complete control of me. But eventually my complete happiness annoyed my brother. But that was okay. Now what happened next was totally unexpected, an intrusive thought came and I completely flipped out. I just felt as if I had to tell someone. And I tried but I just seemed psychotic. So eventually I was like if you don't listen I will kill myself. Dumb thing to do. So eventually they call the cops, and they take me to the hospital. They all think I smoked PCP but that wasn't the case. Also while I was their I revealed to them my OCD intrusive thought, which turned out to be a very very dumb idea.bBecause I spent the next 3 weeks at a state hospital. And they also thought I was bipolar so I'm on some strong meds now. Now I'm out, luckily my aunt is letting me stay with her. And she actually is supportive of it all too. Because I think nobody is in control of anything, and that their is a higher power in which controls the universe and makes it go in one direction.
But who really knows, I mean I can claim I know it to be the truth, but I can't prove it.
Yet anyways.

This was posted as an erowid experience. Hope it gets submitted.


Well-Known Member
heres something else i wanted to add. back when i would get anxiety of the universe being "destined", i would just try to push it off as being ocd. and then i was thinking "well i had to have had that thought about this thought being ocd" then i became happy about it after that paxil and dxm trip. now a couple days ago the thought popped into my head, "what if this isn't true (predestination), and that gave me anxiety. also i just don't feel as connected to universe and this unfolding moment. then i thought "what if i had to have that thought about pre-destination not being true". my mind is playing tricks on me, i have no fucking clue what is going on...except i'm getting some smoke tonight... im happy about that, maybe it will help.
heres something else i wanted to add. back when i would get anxiety of the universe being "destined", i would just try to push it off as being ocd. and then i was thinking "well i had to have had that thought about this thought being ocd" then i became happy about it after that paxil and dxm trip. now a couple days ago the thought popped into my head, "what if this isn't true (predestination), and that gave me anxiety. also i just don't feel as connected to universe and this unfolding moment. then i thought "what if i had to have that thought about pre-destination not being true". my mind is playing tricks on me, i have no fucking clue what is going on...except i'm getting some smoke tonight... im happy about that, maybe it will help.
Just roll with the punches brother. You can play the "what if" game until the cows come home, but it won't get you anywhere. Just take the experiences as they come to you and be grateful for them. If you have received a great truth, there is nothing you can do to change that truth, so there's no sense in worrying about it. It just is. 0=1


Well-Known Member
heres something else i wanted to add. back when i would get anxiety of the universe being "destined", i would just try to push it off as being ocd. and then i was thinking "well i had to have had that thought about this thought being ocd" then i became happy about it after that paxil and dxm trip. now a couple days ago the thought popped into my head, "what if this isn't true (predestination), and that gave me anxiety. also i just don't feel as connected to universe and this unfolding moment. then i thought "what if i had to have that thought about pre-destination not being true". my mind is playing tricks on me, i have no fucking clue what is going on...except i'm getting some smoke tonight... im happy about that, maybe it will help.
Some people think that we're "4D" projections of a 2D object that is being projected as our "Universe". They also think the reverse of black holes, stating that the "3D" particles turn into "2D" at the event horizon and never actually pass beyond it.

Here's a copy and paste about a gentleman named Edgar Cayce who made 14,000 predictions into the future.

Edgar Cayce, says that the Sphinx contains the opening to the Hall of Records. The Hall of Records is an alleged underground chamber containing physical proof of superior ancient civilizations on Earth.

Cayce is a very interesting prophet. He made about 14,000 predictions in his lifetime, and by 1970, 12,000 of those predictions had come true and 2,000 were still in the future. For those who think Cayce’s prediction that Atlantis would rise to the surface before 1970 did not come true, check out the January 1970 issue of Life magazine. Islands did come to the surface in the area where Cayce said Atlantis was located; some sank again and some are still above water today.

According to Cayce, the right paw of the sphinx is the opening to the Hall of Records. Both Thoth and Cayce have said that there are physical objects hidden in a room underground near the Sphinx that absolutely prove that there were advanced cultures on this planet long before us. Thoth says that these objects will prove the existence of these advanced cultures as far back as five and a half million years. In comparison, our level of culture is but a child to these ancient cultures.

In fact, according to Thoth, civilization on this planet actually extends back 500 million years, and our very first culture originally came from the stars. But something colossal happened five and a half million years ago that affected the akashic records.

It just is. 0=1
It could be 0, or 1, or 1 and 1, unless you observe it, then it's just 1 or 0. :) (Quantum joke)


Well-Known Member
Some people think that we're "4D" projections of a 2D object that is being projected as our "Universe". They also think the reverse of black holes, stating that the "3D" particles turn into "2D" at the event horizon and never actually pass beyond it.

Here's a copy and paste about a gentleman named Edgar Cayce who made 14,000 predictions into the future.

Edgar Cayce, says that the Sphinx contains the opening to the Hall of Records. The Hall of Records is an alleged underground chamber containing physical proof of superior ancient civilizations on Earth.

Cayce is a very interesting prophet. He made about 14,000 predictions in his lifetime, and by 1970, 12,000 of those predictions had come true and 2,000 were still in the future. For those who think Cayce’s prediction that Atlantis would rise to the surface before 1970 did not come true, check out the January 1970 issue of Life magazine. Islands did come to the surface in the area where Cayce said Atlantis was located; some sank again and some are still above water today.

According to Cayce, the right paw of the sphinx is the opening to the Hall of Records. Both Thoth and Cayce have said that there are physical objects hidden in a room underground near the Sphinx that absolutely prove that there were advanced cultures on this planet long before us. Thoth says that these objects will prove the existence of these advanced cultures as far back as five and a half million years. In comparison, our level of culture is but a child to these ancient cultures.

In fact, according to Thoth, civilization on this planet actually extends back 500 million years, and our very first culture originally came from the stars. But something colossal happened five and a half million years ago that affected the akashic records.

It could be 0, or 1, or 1 and 1, unless you observe it, then it's just 1 or 0. :) (Quantum joke)
that's fucking amazing. thank you.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
For those who think Cayce’s prediction that Atlantis would rise to the surface before 1970 did not come true, check out the January 1970 issue of Life magazine. Islands did come to the surface in the area where Cayce said Atlantis was located; some sank again and some are still above water today.
I can find no evidence of this. :D

Regardless, reading about him is absolutely fascinating. :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Kitty ... I also have my reservations .... as I have searched the Sphinx ... personally on my hand and knees ... looking for any clue ... without much success.
Perhaps the current historical events in EGYPT and the fall of the current regime ... will allow us to bulldoze this structure ... so we might find out once and for all.

The character at hand is new to me and I also find these things fascinating so thank you for bringing it in and sharing.
I also love quantum humor.



Well-Known Member
I can find no evidence of this. :D

Regardless, reading about him is absolutely fascinating. :D
http://www.bahamasmedia.com/resources/Download/BNJOS_vol1b.pdf - Page 5 the article starts..........

I just cant imagine writing 14,000 predictions down and having 12,000 of them come true within 50 years, and being able to diagnose peoples illness just by looking at them. He could look at someone, and diagnose their actual illness and how to fix it precisely, with no medical training or knowledge whatsoever. Crazy stuff.

Kitty ... I also have my reservations .... as I have searched the Sphinx ... personally on my hand and knees ... looking for any clue ... without much success.
Perhaps the current historical events in EGYPT and the fall of the current regime ... will allow us to bulldoze this structure ... so we might find out once and for all.

The character at hand is new to me and I also find these things fascinating so thank you for bringing it in and sharing.
I also love quantum humor.


Scroll down to the part that starts at "Atlanteans"......

I've never been to the Sphinx or Egypt at all, probably never will. I can see it on Discovery HD just fine <G>. I'd gather that since there's still plennnnnnty of uncovered chambers in the Pyramids that there's got to be something in there we've yet to see. Not to mention that they've scanned the Sphinx with modern day instruments and know there's literally a box with stuff in it, they just cant destroy parts to get in and see what it is. If it was Cayce's predictions then he's a hell of a winner even above and beyond 12,000/14,000 prediction positive record!

2+2=5 (I have really big two's!)


Well-Known Member
dam. that guy seems like he would have some crazy thoughts if u were to trip with him. haha. i cant imagine a trip report coming from him.


Well-Known Member
about a year ago i had a weird dream which set me into deep depression and guilt. after the dream i was thinking holy shit, i have to have felt that. like there was no other way my life could have went. it scared the shit out of me and gave me lots of anxiety. just the fact that the whole universe is already planned and we are just experiencing it. it really scared me. until a few weeks ago, while on a DXM trip i realized that it could be real. then i started getting weird signs that i was right. and if it's true then only god would know it. but some how i know. and i don't really know what to do. at first i was hoping to tell a scientist and they somehow prove it then that's what would start the whole "2012" awakening. Do you think it could be true? if so what do you think i should do? i'd love for it to be this massive awakening for all of man kind. Like sort of the ending of the concept of time. I was really hoping i could save the world, but now i'm starting to realize that it doesn't seem that possible. IDK i guess we will find out.

BTW i only realized it could be right after about a day of two of being on DXM. sorta like a DXM trip but only using 2 116ml bottles through out the two days.
And I am currently in a so called "insane asylum" called Osowatamie. just a little fun fact. lol
well, it would have all come true, but you revealed it. Now it is up in smoke until 3012 :D

just kidding, sounds like a sureal experience, and anything is possible!


Well-Known Member
well, it would have all come true, but you revealed it. Now it is up in smoke until 3012 :D

just kidding, sounds like a sureal experience, and anything is possible!
well then me revealing it was also destined to happen. because their was nothing to stop me from posting it. i had no reason not to post it.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I got a question for you guys/gals. The universe is said to be 14 billion years old... I read somewhere that the farthest image ever taken from a telescope was 12 or 13 billion light years away. If they could reach 14+ billion light years would they then be viewing the big bang? Because the image they see will have happened 14 billion years ago, at the so called beginning of it all. Or would they just see a mirror image of themselves looking through a telescope?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I got a question for you guys/gals. The universe is said to be 14 billion years old... I read somewhere that the farthest image ever taken from a telescope was 12 or 13 billion light years away. If they could reach 14+ billion light years would they then be viewing the big bang? Because the image they see will have happened 14 billion years ago, at the so called beginning of it all. Or would they just see a mirror image of themselves looking through a telescope?
LOL. Well I get what you're getting at, but I'm sure the universe doesn't collapse in on itself at that exact moment. ;)