When should i switch to a bigger pot?

i am about a week and a half into growing and i was wondering when i need to switch to a bigger pot.... Is there any tell tale signs to switch? Thanks for your help

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Generally speaking, when growing in soil I transplant when the root mass (or ball) has developed. If you turn it out of the pot and see the root mass, it is ready to transplant. I transplant 3x during the course of the grow waiting for the root mass to develop in each container before transplanting. If you are growing hydro, I can be of no help.
im growing in soil.... im using clear plastic cups, so if i can see the roots through the cup thats when i should transplant. i dont want to wait to long because idwt stunt the growth but i also dont want to do it to early and damage the plant. im lost lol

Pat Man

Active Member
my first grow i started in solo cups and it was about 3 weeks when i noticed what i thought was a nute deficiency. but it was really a nute lockout caused because they outgrew the cups. so if you see your plants start to get unhealthy thats a good sign you need to transplant. what little tommy said is good too. generally your buclets should be a gallon per month of the plants age ex. 2 months old = 2 gallon pots

go get 'em tiger
thanks and when im ready to transplant i just carefully loosent the soil around the plant and put it into a new pot with the same soil and such right? its my first grow and i just want to make sure i dont screw anything up


Well-Known Member
wait til the soil dries out.. roll the cup in your hand lightly so it looses up.. grab the bottom of hte stem and carefully pull it it should all come out in one big dirtball

you can use diff soil.. just don't get any time release crap.. control the soil and feedings yourself


Well-Known Member
im growing in soil.... im using clear plastic cups, so if i can see the roots through the cup thats when i should transplant. i dont want to wait to long because idwt stunt the growth but i also dont want to do it to early and damage the plant. im lost lol
I heard that its bad to use clear cups because you don't want the lights to see the roots very bad buddy

Pat Man

Active Member
if the cups are plastic and you dont plant on using them again just cut it down the side and around the bottom to avoid as much root disturbance as possible. pulling on the stem will upset them a little. I had to unfortunately pull on the stems when transplanting for flowering and they seemed to stop growing for a week or so. so its best to be gentle. not too sure about clear cups so i cant help ya there