1000w Master Kush/Swiss Cheese Scrog Grow


Active Member
Heres a lil insight on what I'm trying to get done this weekend, I wanna get UVB lights, 100 watts for each screen. Been reading up on it alot, haven't seen anyone use em on here but I wanna try em out. It'll make for better trich production. I need to get some string and kinna pull all the colas outwards to give the undergrowth more light, some of the buds are friggin big just need to get the bottoms some more light. I realized that this General Hydroponics Floracious Super Concentrated Organic Nutrients is an additive, not a base, I'm pretty broke so was gonna get whatevers cheap and good enough to do the job. Alot of leaves are yellowing so need something with a high nitrogen count. I figure still looking at a good 5 weeks til their ready to be chopped, gonna cut the tops then let all that undergrowth popcorn buds mature to make some bomb ass bubble hash! :) But god, how I HATE money, wish I can find a donator for cash haha But I'll have some pictures up later tonite and a video! haha so check me out later tonite


Well-Known Member
Yes I ordered Res. Prev. OG Kush the day I get back from getting married I'm dropping seeds in water. And got a Blueberry gum and Blue widow.
But they haven't came yet and when I checked the tracking it was being processed in NY to ship on the 27th, Then again it said being processed in same facility next day 28th so I thought thats wierd that it hung out there for a day I thought I remem. that last times I ordered they would go to one place then the other when it would show up on tracking or if at all till you get it to where you send it.
I surely will be pissed if I get a T-Shirt with a LETTER fuck that would suck balls, But its guranteed shipping so I believe they will resend order not for sure.
Me too on molasses there's people that say just a little but not every water and some say every water during flower even heard molasses throughout whole grow HMMMM. I don't know what too think but too just try diff. methods on diff. plants and record what you do I guess and find out the hard way.


Active Member
Day 130 - MK SC / Day 104 - WW WR SN VFT

Fed them today with just .5ml per 2L of GH Floracious. Past 3-4 days just been giving them 6.0 ph water. Trichs are really starting to come out the whole way down the colas. Can tell VFT is gonna take a lil longer than the rest. I got a 3' UVB light just need to get a timer and figure where I wanna hang it. I just ordered a new bottle of AN Iguana Juice. They're really starting to smell sooooooooooo good, real skunky with some bubble gum/lemon smell. AH how I can't wait to try em all out! :)



Active Member
I'm finding a few bananas in a couple colas, 1 snow white and 1 swiss cheese, u can see it in picture 11 of the last post. now if I let them go is there a chance that it can produce alot or just a few seeds, cause if it'll produce a few I'd rather let em go so I can grow those seeds but since their all feminized seeds are the chances greater for those seeds to produce hermis? anyone?


Active Member
Great looking plants though,,,
thanks man, after reading your thread and seeing your pictures you got me really interested in intergrating Blackstar LEDs in combination with my 1000w. Been figuring out my setup for the next run after this harvest, trying to get a perpetual cycle going on with 3 4'x8' flower rooms, harvest every 3 weeks. But since I already got 2 1000w mh/hps lights I wanna get 1 more 1000w, and 3 240w Blackstar LED panels and have them on light movers. My veg room I was gonna get a 4' 4 bulb T5 but I don't know I might go with LED for veg. But I'm rambaling, your thread just got me really interested and I'm impressed with your results.


Well-Known Member
I would just get 2 500W panels instead of the 3 240's. I got a 240 as a temp veg room while all of my rooms were filled. The 500W is awesome and has a significantly larger footprint (3x4). Maybe even just a 500W and a 240W so you can be at the same expenditure. Either way if you want blackstar LEDs call up, especially if you are buying several at once, and talk to them, they usually cut a break to people who call. At least free shipping, but they might knock 10 or 20 bucks off of each panel as well. He knocked 50 bucks off of the 500W for me (shhhh). So give it a shot.

The reason I reference the ebay store is that it is the most responsive service and up to date pricing.


Active Member
cool, thanks for the info. the reason I was thinking 240 and using a light mover was cause I'm trying to cut back on the electric bill as much as I can. I know it be just as effiecient using 600w instead of 1000w but I already have 2 1000w so no sense in going out and buying all new lights really so... but I figured using a light mover would make everything just as efficient using a 500w panel


Active Member
Day 135 - MK SC / Day 109 - WR SN WW VFT
Day 44 - FLOWER

Kinda burnt most of them, think I added just a lil too much molasses. Gonna just start giving them water for the remainder of the time. It seems everything has really kinda slowed down this past week, don't know cause I look at them everyday though, trich production is really rolling but I aint seeing them bulk up any more really, so... I put some string around a few big buds in the center and pulled them outwards to give more light to the bottom of the colas. My 9 Cali Big Bud sprouts are doing good though, and got 2 clones that have rooted. Swiss Cheese looks like its bout done, the calayxes are swelling up pretty nice and the stigmatas are changing to red.




Well-Known Member
For an FYI the 240W uses about 140W draw, and the 500W uses about 275 watts worth of draw. The numbers given by companies often reflect the maximum power comsumption that the LED can take, however if you run that consumption they produce too much heat, don't last long, and don't really put out any more light than if you run them at 50%. THe increase energy is usually put off as heat, not light, hence the 50% step down in draw. If you get two 500W models, you will be pushing 550W of extra electricity. I'd say 80% of LED suppliers list their products this way. Blackstar still comes out the cheapest way to go however. There are some companies that push 180W of draw for 700 bucks, even some worse than that. When paring with HID, I find the small differences in those expensive panels to be useless, so go with the best bang for the buck which it Blackstar from my research.


Active Member
For an FYI the 240W uses about 140W draw, and the 500W uses about 275 watts worth of draw. The numbers given by companies often reflect the maximum power comsumption that the LED can take, however if you run that consumption they produce too much heat, don't last long, and don't really put out any more light than if you run them at 50%. THe increase energy is usually put off as heat, not light, hence the 50% step down in draw. If you get two 500W models, you will be pushing 550W of extra electricity. I'd say 80% of LED suppliers list their products this way. Blackstar still comes out the cheapest way to go however. There are some companies that push 180W of draw for 700 bucks, even some worse than that. When paring with HID, I find the small differences in those expensive panels to be useless, so go with the best bang for the buck which it Blackstar from my research.
See I was wondering that, thats good to know then, defently gonna try n go with the 500w then.


Active Member
Day 137 - MK SC / Day 111 - WR WW SW VFT

AHHH do I need some fucking NUTRIENTS!!! my girls need some Nitrogen in their diet. That one massive bud in the center of the first screen has been yellow for most of its life during flowering. Now a few plants in the back are yellowing. Is this just normal though when its getting near to being finished? I didn't water them last night, letting the soil dry out, seems like they aren't drinking as much but I think I've been over watering maybe just a lil too much so thats why I'm letting the soil dry out.



Active Member
Day 139 - MK SC / Day 113 - WW WR SN VFT
Day 48 - FLOWER

Yesterday I went to the hydro store and got General Hydroponics BioThrive Vegan Plant Food BLOOM 2-4-4. So I fed them 10ml BioThrive - .5ml Floralicious Super Concentrated Organic PLUS - .5ml Molasses per 2L. So I'm hoping with this BioThrive it helps with their Nitrogen deficiency they've been going through. I've also had them on 10/14 light schedule and switched it back up to 12/12. The guy that was working at the shop gave me a free bottle of Humbolt Roots, fuckin $45 bottle, so that was pretty cool of him. My 9 Cali Big Bud sprouts are doing good, just topped all of them the other day. I'll post some pictures up tomorrow, it'll be 7 weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
id give more +rep if i could man!!! quick question.... does the swiss cheese have as much resin as the others? among them all is there a big difference in overall quality/height/flowering-time/ease-difficulty??

im trying so hard to make a decision for my closet... (prolly either blackberry, crystal, white rhino, swiss cheese, or snow white.) seems like SC would be the skunkiest too, and i love skunks but hate long flowering... thats why im so curious about your opinion thx so much!!

and hey!! i think ive burnt my plants with a lil too much molasses b4 too! plus it makes more nutes available to the plant making it burn easier too. flushing with water didnt seem to help a whole lot for me either... ive just decided not to use as much molasses (n certain plants especially)