reserva privada kandy kush veg time?


Well-Known Member
anyone know what the veg time is on rp kandy kush? ive read flower is 9 to 10 weeks but cant find veg at all....


veg time.......4-5 weeks depending on the nute cycle u use.... the longest i evr veg for is 5 weeks...hope it helps...


Misguided Angel
If it is a tude UFO Freebie, it takes 3 weeks and counting to germinate..... ;p
LMAO! I see you have the same experience with some of the freebies that I do... jason1976: There is no set veg time for amy plant. Some people will start out at 12/12 directly after germination, totally up to you. Just remember that a plant can double or even triple in size when switched over to flowering so make sure you got the room. Good Luck1


Well-Known Member
shes doing really well but has very little height at all. short and bushy. almost 4 weeks into veg now.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Yeah she is short & stocky bro. I've got a rp candy Kush that I flipped after 2 wkd veg because i needed the space in my veg room..mine is also short & bushy. She looks good bro, keep growing!


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i thought too...ive kept lights on all four sides about an inch away since she was hatched...18-6 4 26watt cfl daylight 6500k 1750 lumen bulbs. i thought maybe it was growing toward the lights.


Well-Known Member
thanks to all. i think it will be a great grow. i thihnk i want to clone a few to though. i got a few more beans in on the way too. some chronic juice..from the tude


Hi mate , Im doing rp kush too. I vegged for 8 weeks under a 125w cfl. It wad about 1m high. I highly recommend topping as it responds very well.

Here is a pic of mine after topping,

As my 600w gps ballast broke I had to use a 250w hps for flower. Because of the size of the plant I supercropped, lollypopped and tied some branhes down to optimise the light. Very nice buds now 2 weeks in flower!


Well-Known Member
i have finished the veg time. shes been in flower a week now. i started her on 12-12 and in two days she was 18 inches, now shes two foot tall very broad though beautiful plant i might add. and i can already smell the kush in her...


Well-Known Member
she is definetly that. lankier every day. one day you couldnt see through all the growth , and the next shes stretched a foot.