seeed trouble help


Well-Known Member
i hav seeds i used tissue, water ph 6, i germinated 2-3 days ago and they still aint poopped or even showing signs of opening, are they f*ked>


Active Member
I would say no. Give them some more time. If after 5-6 more days they dont open, then i would say they are f*ked.


Well-Known Member
lol magic yes!! cant wait to get this lot on the grow, cheeese!! ?WW?Blueberry??Skunk.no1??? chyeeese for sure :D


Active Member
I had 5 bagseed that sprouted and 3 headband that hadnt yet, but they're catching up. Just cause it takes longer dont mean it will be a bad yield and such, goodluck!


Well-Known Member
I just bought a bag of 10 feminized seeds and they alll germinaed and some are spouting now.