Whats smoken everybody..........


Active Member
bongsmilie bout to role up somethin rite now. but on sum for real stuff man i need sum imput on what im doing. Yea im a newbe at this, in my third wk now and im noticing yellow spot on my babies about the third set of leave on all of them. can some one tell me whats going on? "O" in runing a drip system and using 40w cool and warm fluoresence


Well-Known Member
Welcome here to RIU . I'm a noob too but if you want help from the more experience growers go to forum and start a Grow Journal with pics and info about your set up like growing space, nutes,dirt or hydro, indor ,lights, strain etc. or start a thread on a more specific forum depending on your specific needs. Happy growing :pace:
Welcome here to RIU . I'm a noob too but if you want help from the more experience growers go to forum and start a Grow Journal with pics and info about your set up like growing space, nutes,dirt or hydro, indor ,lights, strain etc. or start a thread on a more specific forum depending on your specific needs. Happy growing :pace:
Like he said post a thread and pics people will for sure help out...
Welcome to riu


Active Member
thanks for the input, ive got pics coming as soon as i can figure out how to put them on my page, i still need help on that.