TeH List v2

It's gone, as I thought it would be. They did get banned for breaking the rules. It's kinda hard to argue against that.


Active Member
I attempted a 5-MeO extraction once from reed canarygrass, but I either did something wrong or misidentified the grass cause i ended up with a bunch of really thick yellowish greenish emulsion that WOULD NOT dissolve no matter what


Active Member
I dunno, I was just saying since 5-MeO was brought up that I failed an extraction of it once and that's why I havent tried it yet. But hell I've started discussions with people that ended nowhere near where they started so anything is possible.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
C'est la guerre! Talk all you want. Revolution is brimming as it has been said. Shouting on this forum isn't going to change anything. Experienced hackers maybe, but I'm not one of those...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
5-Me-MDA in the mail. :) I like waiting until I here so genuine news about RCs. I haven't tried Methoxetamine yet, waiting for more word on that. :)


New Member
Yes sir. Though my vendor thats offering it is new. He was verifed legit before but hes in a partnership now. Waiting a week or so before i say got scammed.

But everyone on lgh is trusting him. Glad i was one of the first who ordered.! Reading bout it makes me drool