1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Active Member
:leaf:What kind is that last one??? I want to get me one of them!!!:leaf:
Trim one so it grows 4 main colas...that is a sweet method.
Have you seen that method on here???


Well-Known Member
:leaf:What kind is that last one??? I want to get me one of them!!!:leaf:
Trim one so it grows 4 main colas...that is a sweet method.
Have you seen that method on here???

sorry i dont kno which one u mean by the last one...and yea i used that method on my last grow...i topped these ones aswell...but i didnt want to top all the way down at the 2nd node...but yea i love that method...only downside is the extra time u need to vege...but yea i recommend that method as well works great! for those of u on here that dont kno what method its unclebens topping technique


Well-Known Member
Hey Rastadred, I know you will get those clones together and have them healthy and green in no time:) The other plants (the inpatients) you showed pictures of are vibrant and beautiful. There's always next summer, keep hope alive:) Yo Rastadred, keep those pictures coming! How much do you think you will yield from the plant you hung for drying? I'm going with15grams dry weight. Can't wait for the smoke report on that stinky, sticky, icy weed you got drying:)


Well-Known Member
haha thanks alot yea no worries we be bac at next season!...i really have no clue what to expect from her to tell the truth...and im with u on that one i cant wait to taste her either!


Well-Known Member
yea theres no doubt shes still growing strong! im actually quite anxious to see what she turns out like becasue its growing like 2 tops already its weird cant wait though! i just threw 3 bag seeds and 2 1024 seeds into paper towels so imma be fillin that cab real soon! i just really wanna get somethin different growin in the cab so im really depending on the little afghani kush to make it


Well-Known Member
well i couldnt help myself and i trimmed the bud so i can make rice krispies and start a thread on how to make em...ill send a link for those inerested but it will prolly be up later tonight...man this bud is the frostiest buds ive grown yet! man i couldnt beleive it after i trimmed the buds! this thing is soooo stinky and sooo frosty i cant wait! i get a little excited thikin bout smokin this shit! lol...heres some pics i can snap pics of this shit allllll dayyy lonngg! lol



Well-Known Member
thank u sir!...i would rep u bac but it says im scanty wen it comes to spreadin rep lol!

ive been telling myself i need somethin new...this strains boring now, tired of seeing the same ol shit, tired of tastin the same taste, smell etc. but every harvest is better and better and the high is better and better i cant wait to try this! i just wish i wouldnt have flowered her so soon and i wish i grew it out and took clones...but i germed two more beans so hopefully one of them shows the same traits as this one!..if so its def. a keeper...i just hate the fact it took sooooo long to get the size it did but flowerin time was right on about 65days...ahh i cant wait! my room reiks right now!...usually its just a piney smell but this shit still smells like its growin!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah i am rasta, its in the jars now, went from 175 g's to 57.7 g's in just 2 days. but hey, 2 oz's works for me, LoL. thanks man. we all be smokin now man!! that pic is just amazing!!


Well-Known Member
hell yea man thats not too bad at all! yup i cant wait to burn mine! the rice krisp[ies been keepin me pretty damn high though


Well-Known Member
well i havent been very happy with how things have been goin...my clones didnt react well to the transplant and alot of the leaves went like this and then died...

i think heat had alot to do with this as i wasnt able to situate the fans properly after the clean out... i planted 4 seeds...2bag seeds a 1024bean and the afghan hindu jush bean...the seeds popped with no problem but then proceeded to stretch and stretch now they are reallly tall and spindly ...i lowered a 26watter over the seedlings to see if it made a diff. u guys think if when i transplant these seedlings i can bury half the stem to lose the gap between the soil and the first node?...

the other day i was looking bac in my threads and i noticed how good my first time growin in this cab and using the techniques i do now...i have slightly changed the way i do things and imo have not been for the best...i noticed that i have been 'making it rain' but instead of feeding right after the 'flush' i wait a few days...well my last watering i gave a go at not waiting for the soil to dry or waiting an hour after the flush ..but with the help of riddleme , monitor the plants and when they perk bac up i feed, and i noticed right away that the response was great and i saw a huge diff. and improvement...be4 i would flush then wait a few days then feed...i noticed that sometimes my leaves start to yellow and then when i feed they get there colour bac, indicating stress, and later reducing yeild...so we will see if this new way of feeding will make a diff.

also another thing that i am doing different is putting my clones and seedling into a cardboard box that is really tall and always closed...no fans exhausts nothing...the heat isnt too bad but is always above 80! and becuase of the fact that watering the platns inside the box isnt at all easy, becuase the lights are clipped on and i have to reach past the lights (box is 2-3ft high a 1-2ft wide) and i usually burn myself and i have to take the pots out and set them down behind me one by one while reaching ove rthe pile of shit in there, watering and putting them bac again!...so i usually forget or procrastinate on watering them, so u can say they arent the healthiest of plants...which i think is also reducing yeild...so i think i might ditch my efforts on a perpetual grow and instead up my plant count and hopefully blow my yeilds out the water... i dont want to change too much becuase the quality of my buds have been great i just want to increase my yeild!

well enough babble...here are some pics...i was a lil embarressed to post these so i waited a while till they looked a bit better...


despite the loss of some fan leaves they are lookin alright!

afghani hindu kush

1024 medical...was the only seed that didnt stretch...but shes real small lol