MetaGrow!!! Lots of Pics!!!!


Well-Known Member
congrats meta on the two ladies!! great news. and that's some fast-ass signs of flowering after 12/12.
Dude, you're telling me! I'm super stoked and cant wait for my bitches to get nice and hairy

Awesome news man! I can't wait for the outdoor season. I'm gonna start clearing my area this weekend. :D
My area is clear, I just need to find a company to order bulk soil through now, it's something like 25 bucks per cubic yard, and I have the plants going in the ground, and I also have a whole bunch of 30 and 45 gallon smart pots I'm gonna grow out of. It's actually my impatience for spring to come that inspired me to grow indoors. Cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha crazy.. i wanna try some bubble ponics!! is there a thread on how to make a cheap one??
haha good luck


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're telling me! I'm super stoked and cant wait for my bitches to get nice and hairy

My area is clear, I just need to find a company to order bulk soil through now, it's something like 25 bucks per cubic yard, and I have the plants going in the ground, and I also have a whole bunch of 30 and 45 gallon smart pots I'm gonna grow out of. It's actually my impatience for spring to come that inspired me to grow indoors. Cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait!!!!!!!!
I'm right there with you.. "harvest/reveg... go OUTSIDE!!" :D


Well-Known Member
hahaha crazy.. i wanna try some bubble ponics!! is there a thread on how to make a cheap one??
haha good luck
I'm sure there is a thread on how to make a cheap one, but you might wanna just surf YouTube for a while looking for "DIY Bubbleponics" and you can buy all the shit at HomeDepot or any other major hardware store. I was going to try bubbleponics, but the water pump I already owned isn't very heavy duty, only good to top feed in my DWC till the roots hit the water. But I gotta tell you, it's all REALLY easy shit to do, I did all my construction with only a pocket knife and a soldering iron (to melt holes in the plastic, totally not necessary!). If you wanna try it, i say go for it! I'll be watching...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've been all excited about starting up my new seeds, but I figured I'd spend a little time on Lefty and Righty. First off, here's a better pic of the pistils on Lefty, Righty has the same thing going on


Here's Lefty, I just tied her down so she's sorta point every which way.


And Righty, this one is turning out to be a bushy little fuck! I'm loving it, i can't even see the main stem through all the inner branching. I'm actually thinking about cutting alot of those larger fan leaves, seeing as there is so much inner growth she won't be hurting for photosynthesis. That way all those inner branches will get nice exposure, and there are a LOT of them!!


Anyway, everyone keep it real!


Well-Known Member
Looking real good Meta. I like the LST on Lefty! She is going to get plenty of light. As for cutting on Righty...maybe wait a litle longer to see exactly where she is going to have her best bud sites. Then you can plan a little better which leaves need to go and maybe cut less than you thought. Just a thought. They are looking amazing so obviously you are doing it right!



Well-Known Member
Looking real good Meta. I like the LST on Lefty! She is going to get plenty of light. As for cutting on Righty...maybe wait a litle longer to see exactly where she is going to have her best bud sites. Then you can plan a little better which leaves need to go and maybe cut less than you thought. Just a thought. They are looking amazing so obviously you are doing it right!

Yeah, if I'm gonna give Righty a haircut, it'll be when all her defined spots are showing themselves...But I wish you could see what I'm seeing...the inner growth is SOOOO dense, the only reason I would want to leave the fan leaves are for the nutes stored in them that the plant uses during the final flush of flowering(yellowing out). But I kid you not, I have a node every centimeter or less, and 2 branches shooting out every node(till they start alternating towards the top of the plant, then nodes are packed even closer with one branch each) But I'm with you on waiting, seeing as I just began 12/12 like 3 or 4 days ago...Can't remember, gotta check the calender.

Thanks for all the kind seem to have gathered quite the following on your thread, congrats on the bitchin plant!(Babygirl)


Well-Known Member
You should open Righty up. Start training those branches and you get both the light and the food Your call man,,you have a great grow going!


Well-Known Member
Smoking Shirley, she tastes awesome!!!!!!! Laverne is about a week away from trim, maybe 4 days even, mostly cloudy trichomes. I love weed, especially dank I grew.


Well-Known Member
hey meta, girls are looking tight!! my high thoughts on lst and trimming... i did my second lst/trim session on my ladies yesterday and man, they exploded with growth today. just be very selective about which leaves you cut because those are gonna be important during flowering too... so if you're able to expose new growth by tucking a leaf under another branch or bending/lst or by cutting just part of it, try to go for that... but then again i'm doing a "crazy" lst, lol so maybe different techniques apply. man sooo stoned right now lol. i switched my ladies tonight to 12/12, very excited!


Dude the best bud is ALWAYS the bud that YOU grew! lol! It's free & it's as if it gets you more high than shit that was "storebought." Anyway I love the setup you've got...VERY similar to mine. I built an aeroponic system on the cheap last year and it worked great. I just started my 2nd grow about a week or so ago using my last batch of Medi Bud and Mazar x Afghan seeds and I hope they turn out half as good as Righty & Lefty lol...anyway I'm looking at getting either some autos from, since I've ordered from them twice before and had an excellent experience both times, OR, ordering some shit that is never seen in my area...something along the lines of Strawberry Cough, Aurora Indica, or Blueberry...


Well-Known Member
Congrats Meta! :)
Thanks dawg! I'm totally obsessed with growing now, as it's almost all I think about while I'm not working, and about half the time I AM

hey meta, girls are looking tight!! my high thoughts on lst and trimming... i did my second lst/trim session on my ladies yesterday and man, they exploded with growth today. just be very selective about which leaves you cut because those are gonna be important during flowering too... so if you're able to expose new growth by tucking a leaf under another branch or bending/lst or by cutting just part of it, try to go for that... but then again i'm doing a "crazy" lst, lol so maybe different techniques apply. man sooo stoned right now lol. i switched my ladies tonight to 12/12, very excited!
Oh yeah, totally keeping all my fan leaves on Lefty, she's the LST'd one. I've actually been doing the same thing you are, tucking leaves under to expose nodes and such, and I'm not gonna cut her. It's Righty that I'm thinking about cutting, mostly because I chose NOT to LST her. This is still a little test grow and I'm following through to the end. I'm not into topping my plants, and wanted to see which I prefer, LST'd or not...and I gotta say when it comes to CFL's, i think I'm all about LST!

Dude the best bud is ALWAYS the bud that YOU grew! lol! It's free & it's as if it gets you more high than shit that was "storebought." Anyway I love the setup you've got...VERY similar to mine. I built an aeroponic system on the cheap last year and it worked great. I just started my 2nd grow about a week or so ago using my last batch of Medi Bud and Mazar x Afghan seeds and I hope they turn out half as good as Righty & Lefty lol...anyway I'm looking at getting either some autos from, since I've ordered from them twice before and had an excellent experience both times, OR, ordering some shit that is never seen in my area...something along the lines of Strawberry Cough, Aurora Indica, or Blueberry...
Right on, brother! Lefty and Righty were the last of my bagseeds...that is, till my co-worker just GAVE me his bagseeds...God I love people who don't grow. That and just recently I scored a seed in 2g of Shake my girl bought from a dispensary, so I KNOW that's a good medical seed. I'm gonna order through attitude soon, and Aurora Indica is one of the strains I planned on ordering. I've only run auto's outside, but i might pick up some to see how they do under CFL's. I just wish I knew more people around me who grew so we could do a SEED SWAP. Anyway, keep me posted on the progress, boss!

lookin real good homie. nice setup!!
Thanks dude, i''ve been ading to it little by little, now I'm pretty happy with it at the moment, just might pick up a couple more 42w actual's and trade them out with some of the 23w lights to boost lumens, but I think I like my light placement for now.


Well-Known Member
So my little plants in the hydro setup weren't taking off as quick as the ones in soil, and I couldn't figure out why. They sprouted and just sorta stalled out. But after hanging at a hydro shop bugging the guy who works there for about 45 minutes, I think I nailed my problem down. I just had my top feed timer coming on too frequently, so turned it back to 4 times a day, might switch to 3 soon. I just checked on them now, and it might bee too early for celebrating, but i'm happy to report that things are moving along, back on track. (Fingers crossed)

Also, resevoir temps hit a high of 76 degrees, so I started the water-bottle-shuffle, and will be placing frozen 1 litre bottles in my rez to keep it cool. Gotta love cheap DIY stoner logic.