2nd CFL Grow Refrigerator this time...

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
hell yeah sick!! that shit is sweet looking, hope the cutting works out for ya. thats a funky looking little branch, LoL. the flowers in the white family are so fuzzy. looks great man!!
Dude!! I checked the clone this morning, after what all i did to her last night. I put this clear class jar over the whole clone and everything. The clone looked pretty droopy, and pathetic for sure. When i looked at it this morning, not only has it created it's own green-house effect. (ya know, you can see moisture on the inside) but the fucker picked up life!

So ConcordDawn, how long did it take for you to see roots in your clones with peat pellets? I'm thinking about a week-ish

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thats great man!! well, ive never seen the roots, just the new growth, so i know its rooted then. they will be a little droppy at first, then it picks up some, then the yellowing, and finally the new growth. between 10 to 20 days at most. i run mine under 24/7 lights till i see the new growth, then i go into veg mode at 18/6.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
looks good man, make sure it can get fresh air, maybe slide the jar off to the side a little to let air get in there.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Snapped a couple pics of my babies yesterday. They's looking great. My taller WR is definitely fattening up!
Lower section of my Taller White Rhino.
View attachment 1429774

My buddies Green Poison.
View attachment 1429775

Top section of the taller White Rhino.
View attachment 1429776

Here we have the Bushy WR.
View attachment 1429777

Aaah My Blue Mistic.
View attachment 1429778

More Blue mistic.
View attachment 1429779

Thanks nonhater. That clone hasn't died yet, so i assume after the 3rd day, it has hope..


Well-Known Member
everything is looking good

just curious but you ever find out why on your blue mystic and white rino some of the leaves are curling and turning down.

like dat bushy WR

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
everything is looking good

just curious but you ever find out why on your blue mystic and white rino some of the leaves are curling and turning down.

like dat bushy WR
As a matter of fact, i know exactly why. The taller WR and the Blue mistic were my 2 tallest before i moved things around. They were the only 2 closest to the lightbulbs, and they took some heat damage. Notice that above the droopy leaves, the new growth is near perfect looking! Thats how i know it was heat damage.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Clone Report:

She hasn't died yet. She isn't whilting, or drooping. I know it's only been a few days, but i see 0 progress. I'm thinking within the next few days i should see signs of new growth?

Also I'm noticing a a lot of my leaves on all my plants, yellowing up, rahter quickly. I know i've got a good 4-5 weeks left, and am expecting some yellowing, right? If not, I think it could be my buddies rain water. He doesn't clean out the buckets to catch his rain water. So any leaves from falling trees, contaminate the water, when the muck starts decomposing. Atleast, thats what i think.. I think that decomposition inside the water, causes it to be more acidic than it should be. thus making the water not so good for the plants. Is that viable, or just total bullshit, i'd like to know for myself.

Me Gusta

Nice man! those plants are beautiful. Just wondering what the CFM rating on your exhaust fan is? is it keeping the temps in a good range? I'm about to start a CFL grow but i still need to get an exhaust fan. Anyways I wish you and your girls and your baby girl (the clone lol) the best of luck

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Nice man! those plants are beautiful. Just wondering what the CFM rating on your exhaust fan is? is it keeping the temps in a good range? I'm about to start a CFL grow but i still need to get an exhaust fan. Anyways I wish you and your girls and your baby girl (the clone lol) the best of luck
Hey thanks man, love the avatar, lol!

Not sure about the CFM rating on my fan. It's a 120mm fan, i think like 71-something CFM? The temps vary, depending on where in the fridge my lights sit. My plants are stationary, and i move my lights up and down instead. But mid 70's for the fridge. Other fridges may vary.

Me Gusta

Thanks man! It seems like a fridge would probably be really well insulated and hard to cool sense keeping food cold is what they're made for haha. I sat down and subbed in to watch the finish!