Plants 'drooping' during dark period... normal?

I noticed a few days ago that my plants get pretty 'droopy' during the dark period. They perk up big time during the day cycle though. Is this normal, or an indication of too little water/nutrients/other?


Well-Known Member
I couldnt say whether it is normal or not but im on my first grow and during the dark period my plants are doing the oppisite, the tips of the leaves surrounding the tops are pointing straight up then levelling out when the light comes back on. They create a crown effect around the tops - heres a picture



Well-Known Member
Yup their sleeping leave them alone, seriously what happens is at night is fluid in the plant moves to the root system and the leaves become limp. When the lights come on the fluid moves back to fill the leaves back up, kind of like getting a stiffy. So it's all good, when the lights come on check they after an hour or so and you will see they are fine.

For wha its worth, the pH in the reservoir is 5.75 at 1300 ppm. Temp has been steady between 65 (lights off) and 75 (lights on) the last few days. A few days prior than that it was getting kinda cold... got as low as 58 degrees, but for the last 3-4 the plants have gotten ideal temps.
Ah, okay, that makes me feel better.

Random side question... I just did some rearranging in the room, took about 2 hours... and I had the room light (not the grow lights, just the little CFL bulb) on while I did it so I could see what I was doing. Is there any chance this could hurt the plants/confuse them?


Well-Known Member
For wha its worth, the pH in the reservoir is 5.75 at 1300 ppm. Temp has been steady between 65 (lights off) and 75 (lights on) the last few days. A few days prior than that it was getting kinda cold... got as low as 58 degrees, but for the last 3-4 the plants have gotten ideal temps.
Both temps sound pretty good. All strains react different with ph and ppm. My Black Jack like the 5.9 to 6.2 ph range and about the same ppm in flower.