Hey Alucinari ... Look What My Friend Got Me In Japan!


Well-Known Member
That's what happens with most of Puffer's threads... so deep and intricate you come out of it like a deep coma, intrigued and willing to learn... I'm biting on the line like a fish Puffer... Keep it up :D


Well-Known Member
Hey puff, what exactly is that stuff? is it a candy?\
and did that red and yellow stuff freeze together or some reaction?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Where's the hot Japanese college girl on her sabbatical!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's put her in here just to hang out ...

I have sprayed her outfit with liquid L "the red circles" ... you are more than welcome to have a lick/feel !!


If you are going to contribute pictures ... PIN UPs ONLY PLEASE !!

Dankies, it's a candy kit which I am hoping to infuse with something exotic.... for this wkd festivities.
I am not sure who will be attending or what functioning state my brain must be in so I am going to decide on ingredients closer to the wkd !


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I know but I would still nail her .. lol
Find me a Japanese PIN UP and contribute .... !!

Think ... yummy .... candy .... type thing ...

I would also buy drugs from this one ...
