

Well-Known Member
don't panic. there is no fire.
I was just spending some time in my office (the bathroom) and i heard my fire alarm go off. So (after a swift cleaning) i sprung to action and went through my apartment looking for any problems. None, thankfully. But i do have a neighbor down stairs, but wanted to make sure the alarm wasn't fucked up before i bothered him. So far seems everything is ok.
the reason why i posted this was .... What would be the proper plan of action in the event that a fire or carbon monoxide leak broke out in your crib??
It may sound like a stupid question but the first thing i thought when the alarm when off was .... fuck... if there's something wrong, the cops and/or fire department will have to be called.
So what are others takes on this??
Stash the plants, then call somebody? Let the whole house burn to the ground and call no one? (not an option)
Say there isn't a fire and it's gas poisoning.... gotta get out. The FD is going to show up. What to do with the plants???
believe me.. i'm not posting this because i care more about my plants than my own life.
I'm posting this because I'm not sure many growers think about this, or take proper precautions other than a small fire extinguisher in their house.
GOT A PLAN OF ACTION?? I'd love to hear it


Well-Known Member
My grow room is surrounded with cement board and 5/8 plywood and all electrical is ran on a single circuit incase one thing goes, they all go at once.

The rest of my house is built similar to this, when I remodeled my house I used cement board to separate rooms and all the fire alarms are tied together so when one sounds they all do.

I'm quite a distance from any fire department so I had to be prepared for such disasters. More growers do need to be aware of this concern though.


Well-Known Member
simple answer is fire = screwed for us growers
it's a risk whether it starts in the grow area or other place
my plan is i do 1 plant grows, that baby would go outdoors in a hurry
if i can't get to it safely, it will probably burn
but there are no fool proof plans, fire is just a bad day


Well-Known Member
I hear ya with no full-proof plans .... I have an course of action i'd take in the event that something did happen. But i think if something serious went down wouldn't take long to find.
I just figured I'd throw this post up there for growers to think about... HARD.
I've thought of it before, but when i heard the alarm sounding for no reason .... I started thinking more about "the man" than my safety.


Well-Known Member
My grow room is surrounded with cement board and 5/8 plywood and all electrical is ran on a single circuit incase one thing goes, they all go at once.

The rest of my house is built similar to this, when I remodeled my house I used cement board to separate rooms and all the fire alarms are tied together so when one sounds they all do.

I'm quite a distance from any fire department so I had to be prepared for such disasters. More growers do need to be aware of this concern though.
that's also a concern of mine causing me to want to move. I live in a very old building. Old, shitty electrical work.I should also mention i know nothing of electricity nor am I mechanically inclined in the least. I can grow a bit of bud, but i can't build or wire my own shit. I have a friend with knowledge help with that....

When you decide to sell your house let me know .... sounds like a nice, safe setup.


Well-Known Member
You can buy cheap insurance it's called Flame Defender and they come in 3 sizes and are priced at 75$, 100$ and 159$. You mount them over the fuse panel or cO2 burner, anywhere fire might start. They are set to go off at 155degrees.


Well-Known Member
a fire proof(or near fire proof) house is the holy grail for growers
i can't give the recipe for that, but here's a small fire safety tidbit
1st alert makes a extension cord with some built in fire safety
the cord has a sensing capability to detect insulation breakdown, i.e. a short
will trip the cord breaker, not bad for a modest priced cord(under $20 from memory)
the most likely cause of a fire from an extension cord is insulation breakdown, so this is significant safety enhancement for the small grow


Active Member
i would role my plant in the carpet, and try and light the end in the fire, this way when the cops and FD show up, ill be so high i wont care for days
Well any fire small enough for you to have time to stash the plants could most likely easily be extinguished in some manner, so I'd do that before stashin the plants. Any fire that's too big to stash the plants leaves you SOL... Not fun when a fan starts on fire not even in the grow and the FD is carrying all your plants out onto the driveway for your neighbors to see. The only thing you can do is make sure you are using quality shit and make sure you have some sort of fire prevention, wether it be fire extinguishers, fire blankets, building the room to code, using the units mc purple and woodsmaneh! Have brought to our attention, etc. Hope that helps a lil bit.PS I just had a fire almost start today with a 13 watt cfl I posted a thread in the cfl section to get some info on why that happened as I am clueless to why. Thankfully I was right there when it started to smoke. Bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Well any fire small enough for you to have time to stash the plants could most likely easily be extinguished in some manner, so I'd do that before stashin the plants. Any fire that's too big to stash the plants leaves you SOL... Not fun when a fan starts on fire not even in the grow and the FD is carrying all your plants out onto the driveway for your neighbors to see. The only thing you can do is make sure you are using quality shit and make sure you have some sort of fire prevention, wether it be fire extinguishers, fire blankets, building the room to code, using the units mc purple and woodsmaneh! Have brought to our attention, etc. Hope that helps a lil bit.PS I just had a fire almost start today with a 13 watt cfl I posted a thread in the cfl section to get some info on why that happened as I am clueless to why. Thankfully I was right there when it started to smoke. Bongsmilie
near cfl fire? scary shit, though cfl's are supposed fail safely, but i think they may smoke
i use porcelain sockets which are actually very cheap, nice fire shield between cfl and grow chamber


Well-Known Member
Have alot of great info here ... great points and advice. BUT... everyone is addressing fire ( which was title of the thread) but I've also thought about CO (carbon monoxide) leaks. While i'm sure this isn't as serious, meaning you can open windows, and have more time to react than fire. The possibilities of the authorities coming is pretty good if bad enough.
I know there's no real answer or solution to this question, other than, keep your grow small enough to throw it out the window..even still.
good advice all around!


Well-Known Member
Well any fire small enough for you to have time to stash the plants could most likely easily be extinguished in some manner, so I'd do that before stashin the plants. Any fire that's too big to stash the plants leaves you SOL... Not fun when a fan starts on fire not even in the grow and the FD is carrying all your plants out onto the driveway for your neighbors to see. The only thing you can do is make sure you are using quality shit and make sure you have some sort of fire prevention, wether it be fire extinguishers, fire blankets, building the room to code, using the units mc purple and woodsmaneh! Have brought to our attention, etc. Hope that helps a lil bit.PS I just had a fire almost start today with a 13 watt cfl I posted a thread in the cfl section to get some info on why that happened as I am clueless to why. Thankfully I was right there when it started to smoke. Bongsmilie
pretty fucking scary that a little 13wt cfl could've fucked up your shit!


Well-Known Member
Have alot of great info here ... great points and advice. BUT... everyone is addressing fire ( which was title of the thread) but I've also thought about CO (carbon monoxide) leaks. While i'm sure this isn't as serious, meaning you can open windows, and have more time to react than fire. The possibilities of the authorities coming is pretty good if bad enough.
I know there's no real answer or solution to this question, other than, keep your grow small enough to throw it out the window..even still.
good advice all around!
there could be thing you could do, get a respirator for your own emergency response
probably not cheap, and takes some training to use properly, but that could allow you to clean up safely, then call who you need to call


Active Member
don't panic. there is no fire.
I was just spending some time in my office (the bathroom) and i heard my fire alarm go off. So (after a swift cleaning) i sprung to action and went through my apartment looking for any problems. None, thankfully. But i do have a neighbor down stairs, but wanted to make sure the alarm wasn't fucked up before i bothered him. So far seems everything is ok.
the reason why i posted this was .... What would be the proper plan of action in the event that a fire or carbon monoxide leak broke out in your crib??
It may sound like a stupid question but the first thing i thought when the alarm when off was .... fuck... if there's something wrong, the cops and/or fire department will have to be called.
So what are others takes on this??
Stash the plants, then call somebody? Let the whole house burn to the ground and call no one? (not an option)
Say there isn't a fire and it's gas poisoning.... gotta get out. The FD is going to show up. What to do with the plants???
believe me.. i'm not posting this because i care more about my plants than my own life.
I'm posting this because I'm not sure many growers think about this, or take proper precautions other than a small fire extinguisher in their house.
GOT A PLAN OF ACTION?? I'd love to hear it
Wow. I had never thought of this.

I like the idea of cement walls around the room, but it sounds like a lot of work and I'm pretty sure my apartment manager wouldn't like it. LOL

I think I'll just stick to little grows and if things take a turn, at least I won't lose all that much.

I think I'd be more worried about my nutes getting burned up. My Advanced Nutrients lineup would leave me crying my eyes out, I admit.