Female Noob here. Have a ? about humidity!


New Member
i like to run my humidity 60 to 80 in veg which inly 18 days usually and in flower in 40 to 55 have great sucess

each strain may very on likes and dislikes of humidity but IMO run it high in veg and fo\irst 2 weeks in flower hers my girls running 60 to 80 from a baby and like day 27 and in flower now



Active Member
Myself, I think it is important for a new grower to only start with one strain. Not all strains need the same amount of nutrients and such as I have said before. If you get two different strains that need two totally different amounts of nutrients and such, you could get into trouble and kill one of them off or both. This is just my opinion on this though.
I agree. I think it is really the best way for a noob to learn too. I wouldn't want to kill anything. If I had a different seed strain, I definitely would have first separated them. I kinda wish I did have a different strain of seeds in storage though. Eventually I will order some seeds from somewhere or find a friend to give me a clone.

I grow vegetables during the summer, so am bored as heck during the winter... never thought I would have become so addicted to this. Sucks that I can't get into the grow room without first putting on a jacket & my Boggs and trekking through the darn snow, just to have a peek at them. Hmmmmm video would really make things a lot easier! Now, that's a thought!

Right now, I am about damn near jumping out of my skin b/c I think my 1 plant maybe the same sex that I am...:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Active Member
i like to run my humidity 60 to 80 in veg which inly 18 days usually and in flower in 40 to 55 have great sucess

each strain may very on likes and dislikes of humidity but IMO run it high in veg and fo\irst 2 weeks in flower hers my girls running 60 to 80 from a baby and like day 27 and in flower now
They are beautiful DrFever!!! Do you make house calls, b/c I want my seedlings to look like those at 27 days!!! Did I understand you right? Are those beauties only at 27 days? What lights r u running? Love pics...what do you vet guys call...Pot porn? LOL


New Member
lol house calls only if ur HOT lol but yes there like 18 days veg from a 3"clone and hit flower at 18to 20 " under a enormous amount of power and controlled enviroment


Active Member
lol house calls only if ur HOT lol but yes there like 18 days veg from a 3"clone and hit flower at 18to 20 " under a enormous amount of power and controlled enviroment
I am fat and ugly...the kind you do not sleep with. Still want to talk to me? LOL...jk. I am totally married m8...to a scientist nerd. You know what they say about the nerds...they become rich and successful and marry good lookin women...and then those same women grow pot in their basement (I just had to throw that in, and I haven't even gotten high since Nov).

You have an awesome grow...I am still not there yet. May never be. I have read up some on the cloning process and watched a video on it. Now, even if sex has already been determined, I can still clone the plant, right? I would just have to force her clones back into the veg state, which takes about 2 weeks? Can you clone a clone? Sorry if these ?'s are stupid to u. Thanks for educating me...

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
no problem. and it may still be cheeper to get lights that fit the tent rather than trying to cool that tent...

and to dangly bits post at top of page,. the stuff i posted isnt that every single plant we grow much be set to a certain humidity, everything you see online is a huidline or goal to try and achive for optimum conditions but not all can get there nor do all plants need the same humidity. but it is best to get as close to those as we can. like ive seen the 30% is good...not. that is going t5o be to low for any strain. none of the strains need the same conditions they had say in the kush mountains for kush strains...they have been changed since those and many many others have been over here in our climate for hundreds of years so they have been climatized to our climate now
no diff than people from hot erea that come to canada and say its cold but we dont think so...we have been climatized by our suroundings for hundreds of years to...same as the plant has.
so unless we grow original fresh landraces we dont want thoase climates here


Well-Known Member
^^^ Exactly ^^^ this is one of those places in your grow where you must learn to read your plants properly get things set in the prescribed ballpark ranges then adjust to plant by reading what they like/want. Learning how to read the plants is what seperates experience from noobism :)


Active Member
no problem. and it may still be cheeper to get lights that fit the tent rather than trying to cool that tent...

and to dangly bits post at top of page,. the stuff i posted isnt that every single plant we grow much be set to a certain humidity, everything you see online is a huidline or goal to try and achive for optimum conditions but not all can get there nor do all plants need the same humidity. but it is best to get as close to those as we can. like ive seen the 30% is good...not. that is going t5o be to low for any strain. none of the strains need the same conditions they had say in the kush mountains for kush strains...they have been changed since those and many many others have been over here in our climate for hundreds of years so they have been climatized to our climate now
no diff than people from hot erea that come to canada and say its cold but we dont think so...we have been climatized by our suroundings for hundreds of years to...same as the plant has.
so unless we grow original fresh landraces we dont want thoase climates here
I can totally relate about the humidity thing. I was actually born in the tropics...where 75% of the year the humidity was up in the 70-100% range. Then I moved to a state where it is cold and very dry. When I first moved here, I thought 60 degrees was cold. Took me about 3 years to acclimate and now 40 degrees is teeshirt weather...

So, did you see that pic I posted yesterday? Well, in another hour I will be going to see my (1) loner to see if I see any more pistils protruding. Question, do males ever get that long whispy white hair too? Where would the white hairs generally pop up first- at the very top or towards the bottom of the plant? The plant has been in 12/12 for 5 nights, tonight will be 6.


Active Member
^^^ Exactly ^^^ this is one of those places in your grow where you must learn to read your plants properly get things set in the prescribed ballpark ranges then adjust to plant by reading what they like/want. Learning how to read the plants is what seperates experience from noobism :)
Glad to see you back. BTW, we are in the same hemisphere (well kinda). I tried to PM you, but as a noob, RIU didn't allow me to. I learn better from the "actually showing me how" method. Wish I had a friend that could just come over and look at everything and say I am doing good here and/or bad there. It is nice to get to talk to ppl that know what they are doing from experience.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you back. BTW, we are in the same hemisphere (well kinda). I tried to PM you, but as a noob, RIU didn't allow me to. I learn better from the "actually showing me how" method. Wish I had a friend that could just come over and look at everything and say I am doing good here and/or bad there. It is nice to get to talk to ppl that know what they are doing from experience.
Hey I never left LOL, I'm subbed and watching, usually only chime in if needed :) RIU can be a great place to learn, lots of good folks here but also lots of bad info to wade thru, forum myths & hype I spend most of my time here trying to spread the truth, some get it some don't. I visit gardens here all the time to teach and give advice, it's fun and I love doing it :)


Well-Known Member
I'm a Noob also, I am on my 2nd grow with my first still completing in 19 days.
Pictures Pictures Pictures, I Took Pictures of everything and got peoples opinions. As you can see here with just the question of humidity everyone has their own opinion. I have gone agains opinions and things worked out, and also things have not.
If you really want to be successful in growing you will slowly modify your growing technique to the plants and your own style. I started off with a simple stack of pot's of miracle grow and bagseed, Moved that to a dripper hydro system then to a ebb/flood hydro setup for flowering.
now with my 2nd grow I went from drippers hydro veg to I think it's called DWC? 5 gal Buckets of nutes with it's own pump and air pump in net pots still veg, then to the ebb/flood Flowering area. next grow I may try something else. but my ideas came from RIU and different peoples experience.
if your humidity can be easily controlled then do it, my humidity has been a major issue for me recently but my plants are still doing well. Will I get a reduced yield? Probably but this was my first grow, and I will learn from it and get better, and so will you. Be Confident in your ability to follow the directions your plants give to you. If negative effects occur remember we are all here to help with the solution.

Good luck with this and your future grows, YOU can do it!


Active Member
Hey I never left LOL, I'm subbed and watching, usually only chime in if needed :) RIU can be a great place to learn, lots of good folks here but also lots of bad info to wade thru, forum myths & hype I spend most of my time here trying to spread the truth, some get it some don't. I visit gardens here all the time to teach and give advice, it's fun and I love doing it :)
How long has CO been legal now? We have been since 2009, I think, and the damn bureaucrats have been trying to reverse it ever since. I am primarily growing b/c I have Crohn's. I pretty much have it under control and smoke when I get bouts of uncontrollable vomiting... I would rather smoke than go to the hospital for 4 hours and get pumped up with compuzine and an IV bag...
I noticed on your avatar, that it looks like you have the very same reflective insulation that we also put up. If it is, how is that working for you? Seemed like the best choice for us, as we needed to insulate the concrete walls and it was a bonus that it was reflective. LOL and we got a 30% tax credit...another bonus!


Well-Known Member
CO has been legal for like 10 years, tho the boom did not kick off untill 09 and yes the gov has gone crazy trying to kill the boom since it started.

my avatar is from my first grow here (goin loco sig link) I no longer use it as my garden has grown a bit :)


Active Member
CO has been legal for like 10 years, tho the boom did not kick off untill 09 and yes the gov has gone crazy trying to kill the boom since it started.

my avatar is from my first grow here (goin loco sig link) I no longer use it as my garden has grown a bit :)
Damn govt. always wanting to control us :twisted:. I don't think federal will ever legalize it. I would love :lol: to see the day happen though. Stupid how alcohol is legal and weed isn't.

I have been messin with my camera...I finally took some pics of my grow room setup, my loner and my 1 to 2 wk seedlings. ..from your expansive experience...whatcha think? My loner looks a little like she is leaning in one of the pics. It just may be the 2x4 she is sittin up on though.
Grow Room.JPGgrow room 02.JPGBSG#1-6.JPGTent.JPG



Well-Known Member
Damn govt. always wanting to control us :twisted:. I don't think federal will ever legalize it. I would love :lol: to see the day happen though. Stupid how alcohol is legal and weed isn't.

I have been messin with my camera...I finally took some pics of my grow room setup, my loner and my 1 to 2 wk seedlings. ..from your expansive experience...whatcha think? My loner looks a little like she is leaning in one of the pics. It just may be the 2x4 she is sittin up on though.
very nice grow room! she is most likely leaning towards the light, they do that, I have 2 that are doing it, good idea to rotate them 1/4 turn everyday gets light to areas that don't get light if you don't move em. does that fan oscilate? better if it does constant breeze can dry em out and the water droplets on leaves can cause burns, acts as a magnifier for the light, thou I doubt would be a problem with those T5s but tellin ya in case you get a bigger lite someday. I turn my lights off when I spray em, they love it, I wait an hour or so before turning them back on more like a natural rain that way.

Looks to me like you are well on your way, bet you've grown a few other plants before :)


Active Member
I'm a Noob also, I am on my 2nd grow with my first still completing in 19 days.
Pictures Pictures Pictures, I Took Pictures of everything and got peoples opinions. As you can see here with just the question of humidity everyone has their own opinion. I have gone agains opinions and things worked out, and also things have not.
If you really want to be successful in growing you will slowly modify your growing technique to the plants and your own style. I started off with a simple stack of pot's of miracle grow and bagseed, Moved that to a dripper hydro system then to a ebb/flood hydro setup for flowering.
now with my 2nd grow I went from drippers hydro veg to I think it's called DWC? 5 gal Buckets of nutes with it's own pump and air pump in net pots still veg, then to the ebb/flood Flowering area. next grow I may try something else. but my ideas came from RIU and different peoples experience.
if your humidity can be easily controlled then do it, my humidity has been a major issue for me recently but my plants are still doing well. Will I get a reduced yield? Probably but this was my first grow, and I will learn from it and get better, and so will you. Be Confident in your ability to follow the directions your plants give to you. If negative effects occur remember we are all here to help with the solution.

Good luck with this and your future grows, YOU can do it!
Thanks Erdericks! I welcome any and all advice! I remember reading on here how some guy had low humidity (between 23-30%) and out of 11 bag seeds he had sprouted, 9 turned out to be female!!! It may be just a total coincidence, but I had about the same rH as that guy, the entire time my loner was in veg! I only just brought down the humidifier last weekend...room is now staying under 50%. My loner is not as big as many pics I have seen at ~8 weeks...but I didn't top or lst her and besides I am a total noob, so that's my excuse LOL.

Sounds like hydro is pretty complex from what I have read. I know a caregiver in a neighboring city that just decided to go back to soil after doing hydro. I am the type of person that knows how to ski and so I ski, but is a little scared to snowboard. If I was 20yrs old and invincible, I probably would try it.

I am such a noob, I may just stick to soil (I don't mind gettin dirty LOL) and just experiment with different types of soil combos and nutes. I have already seen a difference between using Root Organics and FoxFarm Happy Frog. The 3 plants in RO have had some stretching, while the 4 seedlings in FF HF are staying pretty low and the leaves are about the same size as the ones in RO and they're almost a week apart. Hmmmmmm........