Enhancing your resin glands?


Active Member
I have been encountering some experienced growers and had some pretty abnormal tips. After all with its possibilities cannabis is pretty abnormal yet normal. Anyway i heard from an older friend that if you clip all the pollen sacs of your male that is within a about a 300 foot range of your female, the female will sense the male plant and its hormones will enhance and produce higher amounts of THC because she wants tocollect the pollen. The reason to clipping the pollen sacs is so you can still produce the sinsemilla. I would like for someone interested and able to do this give me some feedback if they try this technique though i have never tried it.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah I understand why it would work. Someone needs to try it and tell us all what happened. I would do it but I don't have any males,


Well-Known Member
if that were true, then in theory, hermi pants would be the most potent of all. that is if the farmer plucked the sacks in time. i highly doubt it is true though.


Well-Known Member
i would try it...but i dont want to risk the male screwing my females, if that happend, i would be pissed and i would also have to start killing alot of plants...in a wild rage


Well-Known Member
How about someone who has a lot of plants, take One Male and One Female and Try this in a seperate room? Worth A try?



Well-Known Member
I have been encountering some experienced growers and had some pretty abnormal tips. After all with its possibilities cannabis is pretty abnormal yet normal. Anyway i heard from an older friend that if you clip all the pollen sacs of your male that is within a about a 300 foot range of your female, the female will sense the male plant and its hormones will enhance and produce higher amounts of THC because she wants tocollect the pollen. The reason to clipping the pollen sacs is so you can still produce the sinsemilla. I would like for someone interested and able to do this give me some feedback if they try this technique though i have never tried it.
unless you want seeds in you're weed i wouldent try that.... what you do is... 2 days or so before harvest Turn ur lights off and leave them alone.. in a last effort they will extract ALL the thc out of them... they think there dieing so they want to produce the rest of there thc to catch eny pollen (which they wont get) :) thus Stronger high... better looking budz good luck mates


Well-Known Member
unless you want seeds in you're weed i wouldent try that.... what you do is... 2 days or so before harvest Turn ur lights off and leave them alone.. in a last effort they will extract ALL the thc out of them... they think there dieing so they want to produce the rest of there thc to catch eny pollen (which they wont get) :) thus Stronger high... better looking budz good luck mates

extract it from where exactly?


Well-Known Member
extract it from where exactly?

All you have to do is 2 days before you harvest you're plants is shut the lights off.. simple as that... and the THC will increase because in there last effort of life, they want to catch pollen for further life before winter... and so they give off everylast drop of thc in there pretty little glands


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is 2 days before you harvest you're plants is shut the lights off.. simple as that... and the THC will increase because in there last effort of life, they want to catch pollen for further life before winter... and so they give off everylast drop of thc in there pretty little glands

just testing. you win a doobie:joint:

threw ya a little +rep.


Active Member
I am talking about outdoor growth where you cannot turn the lights off for a couple days before harvest. but if u r an indoor cultivator your theory sounds great and is understandable. tillthedayidie420


Well-Known Member
If you clipped the pollen sacks only 300 feet away, it would most likely ruin your crop of females. Total bummer!
I hear one male can pollenate from one mile away.


Well-Known Member
um in my experience lesbian pussy gets just as wet as straight pussy. then again i was the male in the room at the time so i guess theres no control to that experiment.

but seriously sense the male?? is that like sharks or whales in open water??


Well-Known Member
If you clipped the pollen sacks only 300 feet away, it would most likely ruin your crop of females. Total bummer!
I hear one male can pollenate from one mile away.
damn any thing more than 8 inches and i am ffucked (actually then im not fucked huh?):hump:


Active Member
Yea give it a try and see the results. This guy i know has been cultivating for longer than you guys were probaly born. played soccer in holland for years and cultivated there as well, i really dont think he would make bullshit yup like "sense the male". there are many extraordinary things about the plant yet this one is unbleivable huh. give me a break. if i am not right then tell me


Active Member
I guess ill give it a go, since i just learned one of my two plants has just turned out to be male :( and it was gonna be so Killer! Well such is life, but yea ill give it a go and ill tell u ppl wat happened.


Active Member
Thanks for the doobie mate haha, im not sure how to do the same with outdoor crops sorry lad
I did this when growing outside in a field on my property and I just uprooted the all the plants and put them in the crawlspace of my moms house. I had 2 almost identical plants (both female) and i hung one of them upside down by the roots, and left one standing as if it were growing. I noticed the upside down plant buds were more of a emerald green color, and had a much better taste (even broke up easier) after being dried. where as the standing plant had dry, coarse tasting bite to the flavor (and if you didnt have finger nails you couldent break it up without a knife or scizzors). I always blind my plants upside down 3 days before i cut buds to impove flavor and thc yeild of thc.


That is a good idea. Never knew that. My very girls are 1-2 weeks from harvest so I will for sure be trying this 48 hour/dark time for my final 2 days.