250 bulb in 400 ballest?


Well-Known Member
if i used a 250 hps bulb in a 400 ballest.
would it give off more light, but the buld,not last as long?.


Well-Known Member
if i used a 250 hps bulb in a 400 ballest.
would it give off more light, but the buld,not last as long?.
dont do it.......................... period. im not sure what would happen but they make different wattage ballasts for a reason. you might over drive the 250w hps and yes burn out quicker. i havent read anything on ppl doing this because im sure its not that safe and will probally destroy your bulb. what, you need a 400 watt bulb? God bless everyone:peace:


Well-Known Member
may blow a number of things, including your bulb ballast circuit breaker cause a fire or just make ya drop dead on the spot the moment you plug it in, not sure but i wouldnt do it


Well-Known Member
you can do it the other way round!my grow light takes 250-400watt mh/hps bulbs!you could try it if your willing to risk a bulb!dont think it'll make it brighter tho.i think its the size of the bulb which creates more lumens not the power of the ballast!400 watt bulbs are bigger than 250 etc but obviously you do need a more powerful ballast to power bigger 600 watt and 1000 watt bulbs


Well-Known Member
i have a 250,400 and 600 bulbs and ballasts, i was just asking.
just herd it made the bulb stronger for shorter..


Well-Known Member
I thought it was the maximum wattage u can put in there, dont know now....


Well-Known Member
Don't be so hasty. Maybe his ballast only does 250w or 400w instead of both. I was just saying that mine says it can handle both. I don't want the guy to burn his house down. :cry::peace:
lmao!!! ya i was wondering if they are all like that or not. i know im not going to try it. :) but i think i read that in the "indoor bible" that you can switch different wattage bulbs but it shortens the life of the bulb. im not really sure though, which ones are ok and what exactly are the repercussions. i dont want to be a gopher right now and search. damn indicas... lol God bless everyone:peace: