Obama who?


New Member
The CFR, Council on Foriegn Relations, has had a long list of conservatives as members. I believe in the beginning, it was populated with a wider variety of political figures, but in the 1960s it became increasingly hawkish as the pendulum swung towards the right. With the emergence of the Neo-cons and the One World Order, the membership has been noticably modified to resemble a right wing think tank. It is basically a group of elites and corporate moguls that make plans on how to divide up the worlds riches. How to cheat people out of their natural resources, control foriegn governments and generally make the world safe for corporate interests. Here's a quote from wikipedia:
Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes."[9]


Well-Known Member
The CFR, Council on Foriegn Relations, has had a long list of conservatives as members. I believe in the beginning, it was populated with a wider variety of political figures, but in the 1960s it became increasingly hawkish as the pendulum swung towards the right. With the emergence of the Neo-cons and the One World Order, the membership has been noticably modified to resemble a right wing think tank. It is basically a group of elites and corporate moguls that make plans on how to divide up the worlds riches. How to cheat people out of their natural resources, control foriegn governments and generally make the world safe for corporate interests. Here's a quote from wikipedia:
Journalist Joseph Kraft, a former member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, said the Council "comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes."[9]
the red coats are coming!


New Member
romney is out! my boy blue is in this is gonna be a nice boost for paul
Just think, McCain could have a massive stroke/Heart attack and it could be The huckster and Paul. Although, I really can't see them beating the democratic candidate either. The repukes are going to lose this election barring massive voter fraud/machine tampering. Yes, I'm taking bets.


Well-Known Member
Just think, McCain could have a massive stroke/Heart attack and it could be The huckster and Paul. Although, I really can't see them beating the democratic candidate either. The repukes are going to lose this election barring massive voter fraud/machine tampering. Yes, I'm taking bets.
yeah whats with them claiming that paper ballots were a better idea i guess it was messed up in california?
and its always the randomest people that ends up counting them
but alot of states have had complaints
this one is about FL Multiple Voting Machine Problems Reported In Florida
on the news about diebold machines
YouTube - DIEBOLD Voting Machine Disparities Appear in New Hampshire!
YouTube - Another Example of the 1 Minute E Voting Machine Hack


Well-Known Member
Just think, McCain could have a massive stroke/Heart attack and it could be The huckster and Paul. Although, I really can't see them beating the democratic candidate either. The repukes are going to lose this election barring massive voter fraud/machine tampering. Yes, I'm taking bets.
It is still early in the cycle. This election is really weird. More strange stuff will happen on both sides. It aint over till its over.


Well-Known Member
heck yeah i totally agree with you Mockingbird131313...They just want to stop the brokered convention by many many way they can and they want a president keep we in wars...it's would be funny if it isnt so sad


Well-Known Member
and for any of you not so clear on the bill H.R. 1955 watch this and tell me if Obama supported it how many chance do we have to keep our freedom of speak how long can we have this kind of forum and talks like this this is our last chance people to have our freedom back if not almost lost already...if we dont vote for RP then does it matter much if u r rep. or dem. or independent or just dont care if you dont have ur freedom?
YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1


New Member
and for any of you not so clear on the bill H.R. 1955 watch this and tell me if Obama supported it how many chance do we have to keep our freedom of speak how long can we have this kind of forum and talks like this this is our last chance people to have our freedom back if not almost lost already...if we dont vote for RP then does it matter much if u r rep. or dem. or independent or just dont care if you dont have ur freedom?
YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1
Good one, I guess we should now contact our representatives and senators and raise hell, in fact that's exactly what I'm going to do now. Please join me in trying to get this and the patriot act rescinded.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he has been pretty much under the radar. But, apparently, he has been anti IRS for a long time. That impresses me. Also, a couple other issues seem pretty good. He did a fairly decent job down in Arkansas, as governor. Governorship is the most key predictor to success as a president. Huckabee restored some integredity to Arkansas, after the state was raped, for years, by the clintons. So I am giving Huck a look.
Yeah, man I've been reading up on him. He sounds pretty good. He wants to get rid of the IRS, is for less government involvement, and has the entire Christian vote wrapped up. Why is he losing to McCain? I thought conservatives hate McCain?

It must be cause of Romney. He took a lot of votes from Huckabee. That bastard. If he hadn't of run we might of seen a Obama vs. Hucabee race. I would of liked to see that.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, Huckabee is out for one statement. He said he wants to "put God back in the Consitution." You can't win an election in 2008 saying that.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, Huckabee is out for one statement. He said he wants to "put God back in the Consitution." You can't win an election in 2008 saying that.
yeah i know huh he said he would take his religion before the constitution
hes got alot of the church people though


New Member
So med, if McCain wins you really thinking about heading to another country?
If I didn't have so many anchors, family etc., I'd be considering places like Panama, Panama Red, you know, no but seriously, Panama has a real plan for senior retirees, discounts on everything including taxes. I could probably sell out and come away with a half-of-mil, well when the prices normalize anyway. You could get a real nice setup in Panama for 250,000, and the banks pay 8-12%, so say 10%, that's 20-30K a year plus my pension, not a bad scenario as long as you don't try and live like Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
Obama Pushes Bill That Would Mandate Global Tax
Senate to vote on legislation that would cost U.S. $845 billion, also enables UN to implement gun bans

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama is pushing a bill that will lead to the implementation of a UN global tax, costing the U.S. at least $845 billion dollars over thirteen years in the name of fighting worldwide poverty, as well as banning "small arms and light weapons".

The "Global Poverty Act," which is sponsored by Obama, is up for a Senate vote today, and if passed would mandate the U.S. to spend 0.7 percent of the gross national product on foreign aid, on top of the money being sent out of the country already.

The bill passed the House by a voice vote last year because most members failed to read what was actually in it. The words "global" and "poverty" in the title were presumably enough to convince them that it must be good.

In reality, the bill also "Commits nations to banning "small arms and light weapons" and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child," writes Cliff Kincaid.

"Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the U.N.'s "Millennium Project," says that the U.N. plan to force the U.S. to pay 0.7 percent of GNP in increased foreign aid spending would add $65 billion a year to what the U.S. already spends. Over a 13-year period, from 2002, when the U.N.'s Financing for Development conference was held, to the target year of 2015, when the U.S. is expected to meet the "Millennium Development Goals," this amounts to $845 billion. And the only way to raise that kind of money, Sachs has written, is through a global tax, preferably on carbon-emitting fossil fuels."

A UN controlled global tax has long been a cherished goal of the elite and they have attempted to piggy-back it on numerous different pretexts, most recently via a global carbon tax on fuel, a move that was advanced at the recent summit in Bali.

During the summit, over one hundred prominent scientists signed a letter dismissing the move as a futile bureaucratic scheme which will diminish prosperity and increase human suffering.

In 2005, former French President Jacques Chirac called for the imposition of a global tax to finance the fight against AIDS.

Perfectly happy with giving Bush carte blanche to continue illegal spying on American citizens with the passage of this week's telecom immunity bill, the Senate seems destined to rubber stamp legislation that would lead to a global carbon tax.

President Bush has overseen the biggest increase in foreign aid since the Marshall Plan and is highly unlikely to veto the bill if it is passed.

Contact the Senate and voice your opposition to this bill. Call the switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and asked to be connected to the office of your Senator.

Obama Pushes Bill That Would Mandate Global Tax