hey i have the 12 bucket 55 gallon reservoir version of the ebb and flo or ebb and grow- unfotunatley the control bucket is made by someone else it is not cap version- i did nt know this when i bought it, so months later i need help- there is always 1 in or more water left in the lower buckets, i fear may be drowning my plants - now in the bud cycle,- is this normal. how can i get it to drain completely. i tried getting a longer line from the control bucket to the reservoir and running it lower to the grown then into the reservoir- i tried leaving it on longer, it just stops sucking water up when the water in th control bucket is 1/2 in but the buckets the plants are in will have more water in them. i will post pictures of the plants they dont look well at all. any help please! thanks sandee