Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
Yo H.G. Cheers man. just sent you a PM bro. Check it.

Thanks for all the comments guys :)

Hey Zed, I'm high! :blsmoke:Been smoking more of my buds this morning. That's just over 7 weeks, so not TOO early, but they are not properly mature by any stretch. Still v nice though!


Well-Known Member
these are dry to touch now after 3 days in my drying box at warm room temp, kind of a semi quick dry.

I sampled some of these with a good friend last night and we were both highly stoned! :mrgreen: I was pleasantly surprised at the potency of these early buds and the taste too, obvioulsy a little green still, but you can taste the quality that will come through in the cure. Just can't wait to harvest the fat, dense and properly mature buds when they're done. It's going to be some amazing smoke! :joint:
Once thats swollen it will be a fine smoke.
Are you using any carb products to fatten it?
Cant remember if i asked you that already:mrgreen::joint:
I always trim a few lower nugs to taste it as well:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Once thats swollen it will be a fine smoke.
Are you using any carb products to fatten it?
Cant remember if i asked you that already:mrgreen::joint:
I always trim a few lower nugs to taste it as well:peace::joint:
Hey Nat. I have been using BioBizz TopMax, which is a bloom stimulator. The nugs on the branches above these ones I snipped are much more swollen already. I just need to be very patient and disciplined and give them the time they really need to finish properly.


Well-Known Member
I like them pix you places in the 'link'... Very good info... it's kinda helped me decide where to go in the next few weeks with it.. thanks... whats your bud smoke like? How much is in the pic ^^^^


Well-Known Member
yo nice growing.
good luck with the cheese.
Hey man, thanks.

I like them pix you places in the 'link'... Very good info... it's kinda helped me decide where to go in the next few weeks with it.. thanks... whats your bud smoke like? How much is in the pic ^^^^
Ya, interesting info eh? I thought so anyway. I'm actually going to go the the Sensi Museum next week to take a look at all their JH phenos. I will try and get some pics if I'm allowed.

The smoke is nice, for a quick dry with no cure, will be LOVELY when cured. I cained all of my early buds last night. Only like 2g or something. They were really quite fluffy, but I really enjoyed smoking them. I want to just cut off some more buds....but I'm gonna be strong and wait!

how much longer?
Wish I knew mate. Not too much longer though now though :joint:


Well-Known Member
Lots of pics to mark two months of flowering! Enjoy! :joint:

Groups Shots....

and the clones...

a bit of bondage!

and the buds...

and.....another early sample to celebrate 8 weeks! :mrgreen:

I have been flushing my more mature plant this last week or so. I am still feeding the other two, but I will start flushing them this week as well.

I am going away a LOT over the next few weeks, so I have a few challenges to solve for while I'm away. Watering, drying, curing, veg cupboard containing mothers. I am trying to sort out timings for everything already, I am working on a plan anyway. I have an irrigation system in my flowering room, but not for my veg cupboard, so this needs to be sorted.

Anyone have any thoughts or experience on freezing semi dried buds, before the cure?? I will not be around to burp jars while curing, I can't risk mould and I don't want my buds to get overly dry. So I'm thinking of harvesting, drying for a few days, then sealing them up real good and packing them into the bottom of my freezer. They will be left for 7 days. Then, when I come back I take them out, dry them for another day or two, and then start the cure as I will be home again and able to burp jars and inspect for mould etc.....???


Well-Known Member
it would be a shame if you had to do that to the herer, i thought i read somewhere to not freeze weed, i think it said ti will spoil taste ect, not the high i dont think though, notheless looking bloody scrumptious as usual. some massive looking colas their now, another few weeks to go snow white?


Well-Known Member
Hey Jolly. Thanks for stopping by. Yep, still at least two more weeks for 2 of them. and I'm hoping my most mature one will be properly done this time next week.

That's what I'm planning for anyway. Chop her next Tuesday, then hang to dry. Then I go away for 6 days and I will just leave her drying, which is only a day longer than I would normally leave my buds drying anyway. Then I'll jar her up when I get back. I'm home for 5 days, but then I go away again for 7 more days, and that is my problem week that I am not sure how to manage yet!

I'm not sure about the freezing either. I have read before that the best way to store fully cured bud long term is in the freezer, vacumm sealed if possible. But I am not sure whether the same is true for bud that has not been fully cured. I'm assuming/hoping by freezing them they will just maintain the current state at time of freezing. Then when I defrost them, I just carry on as normal. Might just have to experiment for myself and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
and a pic of my veg cupboard....I was going to repot them. But I'm just going to see how long I can keep them going in these small 500ml pots.



Well-Known Member
hey SW....your plants are looking GREAT! excellent work. I'm sorry can't help on the freezing thing....I have put fully dried and cured bud in the freezer and that has not been a problem .... but not partially dried...? I would prolly be inclined to leave them dry the extra time? but then I am not sure of the problems with overdrying either? I have read you can put a small undried/wet bud in the jar with the dried ones, and that will bring some moisture back into the dried ones? goos luck man....your vege ones are gonna be great too I bet!


Well-Known Member
i have never frozen my weed. wet or dry. i think i'd do what tahoe suggested and just let it dry then you can add moisture back later if needed.


Well-Known Member
Hi Kyran...thanks man.

Hey Tahoe....thanks for the comments man. I'm very pleased how they've turned out and I feel like I'm finally getting my grow back on after my hermie nightmare last year. Seems like ages ago now! Great idea btw about adding a wet bud into the cure if they get overdried. I have read that before as well but I just didn't think of it. Nice one.

fdd, thanks. That's my plan now. Just leave them to dry. Really dry weed has got to be better than mouldy weed....for sure!

Now I just have to sort out irrigation!


Well-Known Member
looking really good. some of them colas are MASSIVE.
no idea abt freezing buds.
hows the cheese clone getting on, still alive?


Well-Known Member
looking really good. some of them colas are MASSIVE.
no idea abt freezing buds.
hows the cheese clone getting on, still alive?
Cheers mate. They are getting pretty big yeah. I'm happy with their development! :mrgreen:

Yeah, my cheese is doing good thanks. She's in the in middle of all my JH mothers raised up on the pot.