2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow


Active Member
Aphrodite (MD2) looks better and happier all around. Lots of root formation going on in the past few days. I'm still guessing it was just an issue with the rockwool that she's outgrowing...

Experimenting with starting a time lapse recording (12 hour frame MD2):


Well-Known Member
Hey Tao, just thought i would stop by and share some of my pics of the MD's I got going right now.

MD #1


MD # 3 ( In Veg Still, topped once)

MD #4 ( Longest in 12/12, about 2 weeks since pistils showed.)

MD #5



Active Member
Thanks for posting the pictures BC - I'm enjoying seeing everyone's grows and how they do things. Are those four plants being grown outside for the most part?

I just got back from the store and got everything I needed to have another bucket running. Also picked up another bottle of nutrients and a small pack of ZHO to try for the hell of it. Have to wait a few hours until the lights come on though before I can set things up, get the new bucket running, and transfer in the Athena clone late this evening. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Tao that pic of MD#2 you can see the middle of her opening up, that is sick man. Are you going to take a time elapse pics of the MD#2 Plant through out the grow? That would be insane. Also what is ZHO?


Active Member
Tao that pic of MD#2 you can see the middle of her opening up, that is sick man. Are you going to take a time elapse pics of the MD#2 Plant through out the grow? That would be insane. Also what is ZHO?
Yeah! That's the plan anyway. Was practicing a little bit yesterday and took the first two pictures which I used in the .gif above to see if it worked. I'll be taking 2 or 3 pics a day (with exceptions) and compiling them weekly. So this coming Sunday I'll make the first one, then weekly, and at the end of the grow I'm going to compile into one long time-lapse.

If I had a webcam and 15' USB cable I'd do the whole grow w/ all the plants visible. But I don't have a webcam and spent too much money already at the hydro shop this week to even think about buying any more stuff for a bit. lol

Oh and ZHO is a "Rhizoshpere Root Inoculant" that has four types of endomychorrizal fungi species and a couple of trichoderma species. I'm going to be using ZHO alongside Hydroguard (which has two types of beneficial bacteria). There's a bit of debate about whether adding certain beneficial microbes in DWC is really all that beneficial... so I want to check it out first hand. The products aren't all that expensive really and at the least I would think they'd provide a fair amount of protection from bad/pathogenic microbes that might otherwise take over the grow environment - as long as the beneficials are replenished regularly in the reservoir at least. Just experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Can you use that stuff in soil or just Hydro? Sounds like something I might want to try but I do flush everytime I feed, not sure if that will work?


Active Member
It's primarily marketed as a soil product really (packaging only has directions for soil use anyway) so definitely can use in your setup - even with flushing. But if you are interested I'll get you a link to a better product for soil you can order online for cheaper. I just got a small package of ZHO to experiment with using in DWC and didn't want to wait on ordering...


Active Member
Few quick pictures from today.

Check out the fan leaves on the Snow White:


Athena clone added into the tent (group shot of all four):


MD and Snow White side-by-side:


Overhead of Minerva (MD1):



Well-Known Member
Damn those plants are looking big already, soon they will be passing mine and Billcollectors up. Hydro is really a fast monster maker...I gotta try soon...

Here is my MD#1 that I just made it rain on and also tied down 4 side branches. She is really branching out and I want to see what happens. I am not going to un-tie those branches. She also is at 100% dosage of Veg Nutes, Fox Farms.

MD1.jpgMD1 (2).jpg

Your set up looks very professional and like a highly classified research lab center! Clean.




Well-Known Member
It's the opposite I ran DWC and then switch to ebb and flow...I've even run a low pressure aeroponics system in a bucket...I've done a lot of different stuff over the years...and the Led was just 90 watts and I still veg under LEDs the tri spec I have veg better than anything else I've tried with one exception ceramic metal halide...I'm moving on from the Hid lights and I've going to try induction lights next. You've got a monster grow starting here I can't wait to see the growth.


Active Member
Awesome BK - just posted in your thread with a question about your MD#3 by the way.

Icannabis - What was your experience switching to ebb and flow like and how would you compare the two systems on ease and production? Was the cost of setting up an E&F system over DWC worth it to you?


Active Member
Mixed up a Hydroguard/ZHO mix to 1 gallon per label instructions. Diluted that mixture into 3 gallons of pH'ed water in the top-off water container. Topped off buckets and rinsed a few liters of mixture through all the netcups and hydroton. Did housekeeping: all buckets are holding pH well - no adjustments needed. Gave the clone the same nutrient mix as the others just for simplicity and also lowered the water level to encourage the transplanted roots down.


Active Member
Took the 150w HPS out of the tent and started the 600w. Got a picture w/o the HPS lights interfering with color:



Active Member
Hey there TaoWolf, rep on the system, very neat and tidy i must say, tis has been a good read and im sub'd in now for sure, just pulled my chair up as im interested in this grow!!!
I'm on the other side of the world so my comments will prob be off time hahaha, blaze up and good luck :P


Active Member
Hey there TaoWolf, rep on the system, very neat and tidy i must say, tis has been a good read and im sub'd in now for sure, just pulled my chair up as im interested in this grow!!!
I'm on the other side of the world so my comments will prob be off time hahaha, blaze up and good luck :P
Welcome tricka. I'm a night person so we'll probably be on around the same hours. lol

Your setup is crazy nice by the way, just got subbed to your tent journal and I'll have to check out the outdoor one too.