OMG! Please help!

006.jpg002.jpg005.jpg001.jpgok...have a waterfarm, using cfls, temp 78-80 RH 45-50%. Have been using the Lucas Formula0/4/8 with distilled water. I bought a mini RO filter and gave its first feeding with the RO water yesterday. I know I need a ppm pen but its on its way. I didnt even have to adjust the ph- after mixing nutes it was 5.8 on the button. As I was watering though I noticed the plant start to sag downward. I thought I was imagining things but in about 10 minutes the plant wasnt even reconizeable! I turned the drip off and left for like 3 hours and when I came back it looked good again! It might have been a dumb ass move on my part but I turned the drip back on...when I got up this morning it was limp again! I dumped the water and now I got some more distilled water ph'd and using some final phase to hopefully flush stuff out. I mixed the same quantities I usually do. I got some before and ater pics...I'm sure you can tell which is which. Any ideas at all what could be wrong here? Thanks people!


Well-Known Member
if your roots are touching the water or the bottom of your pots are dripping with water when you pull them out then you have the pots too close and dont need the feeders. either way it goes it sounds like overwatering. Lose the feeders they are too big for them


Well-Known Member
Pretty much impossible to overwater a waterfarm mine run 24/7 no problem. Sometimes the holes get clogged with roots but your plants don't look big enough for that. Your plant looks happy in the picture maybe your weird drip schedule has caused the roots to migrate to the bottom of the bucket where it is wetter so when you turn on the drip rings it drowns them out a bit. Try runnin your drip for longer and longer intervals until the plant does not wilt anymore. No reason not to run the drip rings 24/7 it makes it a lot easier to deal with.
Pretty much impossible to overwater a waterfarm mine run 24/7 no problem. Sometimes the holes get clogged with roots but your plants don't look big enough for that. Your plant looks happy in the picture maybe your weird drip schedule has caused the roots to migrate to the bottom of the bucket where it is wetter so when you turn on the drip rings it drowns them out a bit. Try runnin your drip for longer and longer intervals until the plant does not wilt anymore. No reason not to run the drip rings 24/7 it makes it a lot easier to deal with.
My water farm has basicly never shut off. Just during water change outs. This happened almost imidiately after I changed it out yesterday. I have an air stone in the bucket so should I just stop the drip? It has a pretty good root mass hanging in the water. And I aint tryin to 2nd guess you NewGrowth, but you said it looks healthy...even though its sagging like it is so baddly?


Well-Known Member
Are those the pictures of the sagging? It looks minimal at best if it is, the plants look great. I would not turn off the drip though you would loose considerable root mass that way


Rebel From The North
sounds like over watering. I dont know much about this waterfarm system but they look good, If I thought there was a problem with
the watering just go get a timmer that can run like 15min on and 15 off or even off longer. they are small and dont need lots of water.
I can tell you this if ph is 5.8 and your using that forumla like we talked about thats not the issue, but it sound like you figured it out
by running less water.