A lot of it depends on the test.. the kind of the test.. and the facility where they do the test..
For instance if they send it up to that big Lab in Seattle (where so many of them do go), you wouldn't stand a chance.. they will send it back even telling you that you had elevated levels of niacin which is considered an automatic fail.
If it is a dropper test done on location (like your probation officer, or small business might employ) then you can pass with just using words some times (I passed one that showed I had cannabis in my system, by laughing and telling him that what was funny to me was not that I failed, but how anti marijuana I was AND failed.. ohh the irony.. he decided he had bad strips, I got the job.
Others bring in a guy to do the test on site, using a bit more procedural methods and better gear than a standard dropper test. This person will watch you pee and actually intimidate you for fun.. they can smell a stoner a mile away.. if you pass one of h is tests and he suspects, he might try giving you a different test that uses different fields to narrow down if you have been perhaps loading up the body (they also do things like look at the color of your pee.. if it is too clear they will tell you to come back again.. indicates you have been overloading on water).
Worse one for me was a hotel chain called Shilo on the Oregon coast..
I was talked into taking the job as sous-chef.. I even told them I would be too dirty to pass the test..
The Chef told me he didn't care.. he would wait 30 days for me to clean it out..
So 30 days later he calls and says 'I really need you, we are going to give it an extra 15 days'..
So 45 days later, me, a thin guy with quick metabolism who hasn't partaken in 45 solid days and is using detox drinks, goes in and does the test.
They tell me the results will be in 2 weeks.. I am like 'huh?'
They send the test to some DNA lab in Seattle..
Two weeks later I get a call from this outfits Doctor informing me that I had failed the test (it's like they call because they get a kick out of hearing you try and weasle your way out of it)..
He told me I was really dirty and it didn't even seem like I tried to cover it up..
I told him that on the level, I was a smoker, the outfit hiring me was a smoker, it wasn't a secret, and that I had dried up for 45 solid days..
And he says 'well, I am going to assume at this point you are a big man.. a heavy man'..
Nope, I weigh in at 135...
"Welllllll" he says.. "I can't help ya, there is no rhyme nor reason, it just stays in some peoples body longer than others"
I lost the Job by failing the test..
On the VERY day it was decided a cannabis user was unfit to flip burgers, it was voted unconstitutional to drug test elected officials and they made a big deal of it in the news.... boy was I mad..
Anyway.. if you are still reading.. *L*
Depends on what kind of test.. I have no clue the Military standards, I can't imagine they would send them all out, yet I can;t imagine they would chintz on their own testing too much either..