The Hot Chicks Pix Thread

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The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The picture of Lindsay Lohan is easily a competitor for most posted picture in this thread and I hate Nikki Minaj. :)

Also, I've said it a million times, I'm not going to tell people NOT to post nude pictures, but I'm not going to embrace the posting of nude photos. They are against the rules on this forum, will get this thread closed, and will probably get you an infraction.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LMAO. Now, the trick to this, is that NUDE photos of people are against the rules. Photos of a SEXUAL nature, are also against the rules. :) The definitions of NUDE and SEXUAL are pretty clean cut. Photos of people without clothing, and photos of people in a sexual situation. :D So, a see thru shirt, like wet t-shirt pix, sheer clothing and mesh clothing. :D Quite acceptable under the rules. :lol:
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