Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
I think I found the breed of pup I want. I've been a Rotty guy all my life.. but this Akita is amazing. Reminds of my husky i had as a child.
last offtopic posts here my bad i just love my pooch :)
heres a picture of him when he was 6 weeks old - IMAG0015.jpgIMAG0049.jpgIMAG0014.jpgorange.jpgIMAG0006.jpg


Well-Known Member
photo 3.JPG

This was taken within the last year. I'm sitting here baked wondering why my ring is on my right hand. LMAO. Not too shabby for 40. Fuck - I'm even impressed.



Well-Known Member
I didnt want to bring out the big guns, but I guess I will show a full frontal of me.. I took this shot yesterday for my mail order bride to be: ( I know Im dead sexy )

That looks like a fucking craigslist causal encounters ad. CLASSIC!!
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