Smoke'n'Grow sponsored Amnesia Lemon grow!


New Member
Hello All,

I posted this in the nutrients section as it is being sponsored with the full line by Smoke'n'Grow nutrients.

here's the scoop:

4 Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon 2 weeks old

1 gallon containers

Transplant to 5 gallon containers

20% Fox Farm Light Warrior
40% Fox Farm Ocean Forest
40% Extra Large Perilite
1 cup dolomite lime
1 cup diatomaceous earth
1 cup Azomite

1000 watt 6500k Metal halide veg

1000 watt HPS flower

UV supplemental lights to be added soon

Track light mover

3 x 3 veg

3 x 5 flower

Big thanx to Dudeoflife who is sponsoring this grow with Smoke'n'Grow's complete nutrient line!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Here's pics of the nutes:amnesia lemon 015.jpgamnesia lemon 014.jpgamnesia lemon 013.jpg

Nutes used for their first rain :

amnesia lemon 020.jpg

And the babygirls:

amnesia lemon 019.jpgamnesia lemon 017.jpg
amnesia lemon 016.jpgamnesia lemon 018.jpgamnesia lemon 021.jpg

Well everyone we shall find out both how good Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemons genes are and how well these Smoke'n'Grow nutes work.

So as in all my threads, express yourselves and anything but bullshit and hype is welcomed and encouraged.



Active Member
Can't wait to see how it turns out! My SNG nutes should be waiting for me in my mailbox so I am stoked about getting some on my plants! Def subbed!!


New Member
Sub'd.... I love everything about this nute lineup. Got some Plush Berry beans on the way and will be doin a journal with these nutes. Best of luck!!!
Thank you, One and Lumi- Your threads have been outstanding and will gladly sub:) Pleasantly surprised, too.
Can't wait to see how it turns out! My SNG nutes should be waiting for me in my mailbox so I am stoked about getting some on my plants! Def subbed!!
I am here and Sub'D....I am glad I can get a front seat on this one. Looking forward to learning a ton more.

Peace Bro, hope all is well with you!!! Got Choco...LOL

Nice! Subbed up, rolled up, and kicked back.
In the words of Jim Carey as the Mask all I can say is SMOKIN
Subbed up bud! :)
along for the ride:)
Subbed, cant wait to see this happen
cool i'm really interested in those genes from Barney's Farm and how shape up
You know im down for the ride.


I'm in.
Thanx everybody and welcome....please stick around and always speak up...should be fun:twisted:



Well-Known Member
Damn Lumi all the great growers and soon Master Gardeners....whats up fellas, hoping to learn some more good techniques.




New Member
Sup bro check n out the new thread can't wait to see how barneys strains are will the phenos be close or nothing alike should make for a good read!
So far 2 look like twins and the other two look completely different...for the same strain that is... we shall see eh? Thanx bro and speak up more



New Member
Well they rec'd their 2nd rain today...a lil early because I will be incapacitated for a few days so went did it today...

They are looking good...the runt is a lil yellow so this should fix it:
2nd rain 001.jpg2nd rain 002.jpg2nd rain 003.jpg2nd rain 004.jpg2nd rain 005.jpg2nd rain 006.jpg2nd rain 007.jpg

And that's a thousand watt MH on a mover air cooled....will switch to hps for flower...will be adding two uvb cfl's soon



next up date..Topping for four colas