Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Well-Known Member

We have 4 dogs and 3 cats. Sock Monkey is the only one that doesn't bark like hell when people come over, run around like its heads cut off at dinner time, pee or poo where ever it chooses, and kick its leg like starting an old Harley when rubbin the tummy.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I shall give you ladies what you are craving... me!!!!!!!!
My official, validated entry into this here contest....I shall claim my prize at the nearest Holiday Inn.



Well-Known Member
seriously? pictures of the dog? On some level this just makes us look like complete pussies to the women. booo hooo, I'm going to put my picture on the internet and the black helicopters are going to circle?

here is a picture of me at work



Well-Known Member
seriously? pictures of the dog? On some level this just makes us look like complete pussies to the women. booo hooo, I'm going to put my picture on the internet and the black helicopters are going to circle?

here is a picture of me at work

we'd totally hang out. :cool:
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