New farmer


Active Member
hey fellas im new 2 this and i was just lookin for some advice......i have already got my plants sprouted i only have 2 they are about 2" tall but only have 2 small leafs showing and the pictures that ive seen on here show sprouts as big as mine with several desent size leafs......are my plants heathly are they growing rite what am i doing wrong, any impute or advice would be apriciated..........thanx in advance:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Are they The same height but less sets of leaves? Sorry im trying to wrap my head around ur post


Active Member
from the pictures ive seen of sprouts compared 2 mine they just look like they have more leaves on the same height plant:-? or am i just bein paranoid


Well-Known Member
That's nothing to worry about. As long as yours are green and look healthy and are still growing, then be happy and be patient, because you're doing fine.

What type of lights do you have and how close are they to the plants?


Active Member
Hi everyone !

Im new to growing and hydroponics and all and just wanted advice on buying a hydroponics system ive done my research and i found a system but the pots might be small they are 3" in diameter .. is that too small for a female plant to get a good yield .
ive posted a link and theres a picture of the hydroponic system and the description beside it... the one im talking about is the RAINFOREST® 36


please guys i need advice !!!


Active Member
i have 2 plants in a gallon milk jug and 1 28" grow light from wal mart on a 24/0 cyclein mricle grow potting soil im not lookin for any amazing yeilds from these plants for 1 i only want them 2 get about 1 1 1/2 feet tall (secerety reasons) 2 the only reason im trien 2 grow this is so i wont hafta by so much


Active Member
o and 1 more thing if 1 of thr round peddles broke off 1 of the plants will this effect the plant n a negitive way...........thanx for you impute agin


Well-Known Member
If the plant generally looks healthy, and a leaf fell off, then I don't think it's a problem.

The plants NEED to be in separate containers (otherwise the roots will get entangled which is not good). That light is a decent start, but not nearly enough light to fully grow those 2 plants. That's fine for now if they're just seedlings, but be prepared to buy many more of those lights. I also recommend CFLs because those long lights aren't really optimal for only 2 plants.

And just to make sure your yield hopes are realistic: for a first grow, and only two plants (assume 1 is female), and keeping them that small, you should expect only between an eighth and a half O. Obviously once you get better at growing and if you get more space then that can go up a lot.


Active Member
havent been home 4 a couple daysthanx for the impute i checked on my babies az soon az i got home and man what a difference n just 2 days there growin like crazy


Active Member
Hi everyone !

Im new to growing and hydroponics and all and just wanted advice on buying a hydroponics system ive done my research and i found a system but the pots might be small they are 3" in diameter .. is that too small for a female plant to get a good yield .
ive posted a link and theres a picture of the hydroponic system and the description beside it... the one im talking about is the RAINFOREST® 36


please guys i need advice !!!
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