everyonedoesit has fastest shipping and cheapest prices

If anyone is still having problems I am from everyonedoesit and I will chase up any problems you are having and try and iron out these issues.

Can I just say that stocking issues have been addressed we have invested heavily in stocking, stock control and supplier management, so no one should be having any problems by the end of march. We should simply be shipping orders same day they are made, no excuses.

I can't take PM's at the minute but I have subscribed to the thread and if people want to email me I will get them my email address.

thanks and sorry for any problems you have had with your orders.

Im currently a new customer with you guys i ordered a weedstar 29.2 mm messias double perc illusion ice bong from yall today is the 10th working day and ive heard nothing the tracking has said the samething for a week now orgin of post is preparing for shipment?????????? Man im hoping this doesnt turn out to be a bad decision on my part!!! But im patiently waiting.....


Well-Known Member
Hey James I sent you a pm but I guess you can't get em yet? Anyways what email should I contact you at?


Well-Known Member
Thank you James.

To everyone else reading this I have gotten a resolution to my EDIT issue and James has stated that my new order will ship today.........I will update this when my parcel arrives.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
why is it that people wander away from good seed banks to save a buck? there are just too many good banks out there that are rock solid, i just dont get it. i never have been ripped by a bank, only 1 order did i get a customs letter out of at least 25 orders.
Whatever it is it will be out of stock so it doesn't matter.
That is not funny at all Hydgrow but actually made me smile, I know you are having a double whammy of bad experiences and I apologise, when I get in the office tomorrowe I will get to the bottom of this and let you know immediately.

And to answer its a bag of Haribo.........oh how we love it so....... the happy taste of Haribo (we have boxes of Haribo there is no Haribo Shortage)
I am getting really discouraged with edit as the current order(just like the 2 previous orders)has become a long,and aggrevating experience once again !Order # 1935320 is a problem now too!! My wife is calling me a dumb ass for ordering from edit again...guess I am !!!
schwind I am emailing you now and PM-ing you, dont forget you can email me any problems at james@everyonedoesitDOTcom..... I am very surprised at this as I know for a fact very little seed orders are being delayed..... we are very nearly at 100% of seed orders despatched within 24 hours of ordering..... with the vast majority despatched sameday before 4.20pm GMT.

let me know.



Active Member
just got my paradise acid from everyonedoesit today and it took 8 postal days to get to the states. Also they beat everyones prices by atleast $3. No freebies... but golly that was some fast and cheap shipping.
i rather pay 3 more dollars in order to get freebies
i mean who doesnt like freebies?
everyone likes freebies man! And we love giving them away.... they should be in every packet that qualifies for them!

One thing everyone qualifies for is the massive 17.76% discount from the 30th June till the 4th July to celebrate Independence Day just enter FREEDOM in the voucher code box to get your massive 17.76% discount.
