half life of thc


Well-Known Member
so im blazed of this purp haze and was just wondering how long a stash could actually last for? by half life i dont mean the ammount of thc in your body after consumption, but the % of thc that natually breaks down overtime?...well being its not radioactive i guess ill have to rephrase to "lifetime of weed". whats the oldest bud youve smoked? potency decrease over time? would you smoke a stash that you found in an ancient myan toumb?....
fuck yeah i'd smoke bud out of a tomb.
that shit was crazy n shit back in the old days...they were trippin on shit like thizz man holy shit id do it
I just went through this myself. I had bud in jars for a little over a year and I would say 6 to 8 months tops and its still fresh.
After that it declines and I would say about 1 year its at half the smoke it started as. Also during the cure it developed woodsy taste.
I just went through this myself. I had bud in jars for a little over a year and I would say 6 to 8 months tops and its still fresh.
After that it declines and I would say about 1 year its at half the smoke it started as. Also during the cure it developed woodsy taste.

thanks for the input
Vacuum sealed, in a cool, dark place weed can last quite a while. Assuming it was dried/cured properly.

The more budly, the longer it seems to last as well. The bud itself protects the THC within it. Less exposure to degrading variables.

Lower, popcorn type ganja seems to degrade faster

And shake/trim or ends kind of plant material should be dried and used fairly shortly after for oil/hash/butter or whatever...also no point having huge bags of lower THC-count/volume material.