Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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Well-Known Member
john boehner himself said in the last 2 yrs the federal government has added 200,000 jobs.....and that he doesnt care if they are destroyed. So be it.......

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
No that is not what I mean. That is what YOU mean. The people spoke. They sent Legislators to Madison by way of a legal election. The process worked as it should.

But the election results stand. If the people don't approve they will have an opportunity to remedy the situation in the next election.

The poll options suggested the unions represent the people when the opposite is true. I support the people of Wisconsin, but I do not support unions; especially public sector employee unions. Unions represent their members; the hell with the people.

What is asinine is to assert that I stated that the American people all agree on any issue. I never said that and I challenge you to prove otherwise.
First of all, this was never part of his election campaign. It was never discussed in any way shape or form. The "rogue' Democrats of Wisconsin weren't even aware of this bill until it was introduced last Friday. It's not even the main state budget bill. It's just a smaller bill. Second, these "thugs" as you call them, aren't asking or weren't asking for anything. They just agreed to a bunch of cuts and aren't even against these cuts. They are upset about the union busting portion of the bill. This is about worker's rights and they understand that. They aren't spoiled and they aren't thugs. They're people just like you and I trying to keep what little voice they have. A voice all of us are losing as this campaign of middle class destruction continues.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
john boehner himself said in the last 2 yrs the federal government has added 200,000 jobs.....and that he doesnt care if they are destroyed. So be it.......
Which was a lie. There was an increase of little over 50,000 new government jobs AND that the number of government employees, right now, are at their lowest since the 60's.
and obama said he wasnt going to work with the republicans and they were either going to go along with him and the rest of the democrats or they would be left in the cold.
We can do this all night but its a buzz kill and I just got home from work. Why cant Chinese people but a bit more friendly?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
and obama said he wasnt going to work with the republicans and they were either going to go along with him and the rest of the democrats or they would be left in the cold.
We can do this all night but its a buzz kill and I just got home from work. Why cant Chinese people but a bit more friendly?
What? I'm no friend of Obama but that's going a bit far. Boehner has been the one railing and yowling about not compromising. Mr. HELL NO YOU CAN'T!!!! Obama has done nothing but bend over backwards. He's bent over so far that his head may get permanently lodged up his ass. The Democrats are furious over his facilitating and giving in to the Republicans. I'm sick of this President. He needs a fucking spine. Let's get a real man in office. How about Hillary Clinton? Is she still available?


Well-Known Member
First of all, this was never part of his election campaign. It was never discussed in any way shape or form.
Irrelevant. Legislators are elected to legislate. That issue is what they decided to act on.

The "rogue' Democrats of Wisconsin weren't even aware of this bill until it was introduced last Friday. It's not even the main state budget bill. It's just a smaller bill.
Again, irrelevant. It was introduced in accordance to the Constitution of the state of Wisconsin. And it matters not whether it is part of the general Appropriations bill or not.

Second, these "thugs" as you call them, aren't asking or weren't asking for anything.
The are not asking. They are demanding.

They just agreed to a bunch of cuts and aren't even against these cuts. They are upset about the union busting portion of the bill. This is about worker's rights and they understand that. They aren't spoiled and they aren't thugs. They're people just like you and I trying to keep what little voice they have.
They have the same voice they have always had and this little temper tantrum proves it.

A voice all of us are losing as this campaign of middle class destruction continues.
Bullshit. We are not losing our voice. Otherwise these demonstrations would have been shut down violently. Demonstrators are sleeping in the Capitol Rotunda for Christ's sake.

Would that be permitted in Iran?

And attacks on the middle class are being perpetrated by public sector unions who want theirs regardless of what it does to the state budget in a squishy economy. 'Fuck the people' should be the union motto.


Well-Known Member
Irrelevant. Legislators are elected to legislate. That issue is what they decided to act on.

Again, irrelevant. It was introduced in accordance to the Constitution of the state of Wisconsin. And it matters not whether it is part of the general Appropriations bill or not.

The are not asking. They are demanding.

They have the same voice they have always had and this little temper tantrum proves it.

Bullshit. We are not losing our voice. Otherwise these demonstrations would have been shut down violently. Demonstrators are sleeping in the Capitol Rotunda for Christ's sake.

Would that be permitted in Iran?

And attacks on the middle class are being perpetrated by public sector unions who want theirs regardless of what it does to the state budget in a squishy economy. 'Fuck the people' should be the union motto.

i love how johny sees 10,000 people going to the capitol to demonstrate against something, the most outspoken, and militant protests of their kind in the history of the state...

yet somehow what the legislature and governor are doing is somehow to be believed to be in-line with the general populations' wishes....


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Demanding what exactly? When did they demand? How? On what bill or piece of legislation? No one was demanding anything.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i love how johny sees 10,000 people going to the capitol to demonstrate against something, the most outspoken, and militant protests of their kind in the history of the state...

yet somehow what the legislature and governor are doing is somehow to be believed to be in-line with the general populations' wishes....

10,000 the first day... over 30,000 yesterday and today and bigger numbers are expected tomorrow and through the weekend. :)


Well-Known Member
i love how johny sees 10,000 people going to the capitol to demonstrate against something, the most outspoken, and militant protests of their kind in the history of the state...

yet somehow what the legislature and governor are doing is somehow to be believed to be in-line with the general populations' wishes....

I can't substantiate your number either way. Perhaps you would like to source it to salvage your credibility.

But, for the sake of argument, lets use it.

The latest census data for the State of Wisconsin puts the population at just under 5.7 million.

Which means that roughly 1.75% of the population was outraged enough to go to the state capitol and behave like toddlers who had their pacifiers taken away.

Forget about the source...

and your credibility.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I can't substantiate your number either way. Perhaps you would like to source it to salvage your credibility.

But, for the sake of argument, lets use it.

The latest census data for the State of Wisconsin puts the population at just under 5.7 million.

Which means that roughly 1.75% of the population was outraged enough to go to the state capitol and behave like toddlers who had their pacifiers taken away.

Forget about the source...

and your credibility.

Seriously? That's all you got?


Well-Known Member
Demanding what exactly? When did they demand?
An end to the 'attack' on Wisconsin public employees.

Never mind the source redivider, I found one.


What do you mean how? Don't you read the papers?

On what bill or piece of legislation?
On the legislation which happens to be the topic of the thread started by YOU.

No one was demanding anything.
I provided proof otherwise. Now it's your turn.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? That's all you got?

Since when does 1.75% of ANYTHING represent the majority?

The point was made that all those people were outraged enough to show up and demonstrate.

I simply put it into perspective.

A pithy response. Is that all you've got?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
An end to the 'attack' on Wisconsin public employees.

Never mind the source redivider, I found one.


What do you mean how? Don't you read the papers?

On the legislation which happens to be the topic of the thread started by YOU.

I provided proof otherwise. Now it's your turn.
Are you high? They are protesting the bill that attacks Wisconsin public employees. Did you bother to read the article? Their protest is in response to the bill. The bill isn't in response to the protests. The bill came first. I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this... wow.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

Since when does 1.75% of ANYTHING represent the majority?

The point was made that all those people were outraged enough to show up and demonstrate.

I simply put it into perspective.

A pithy response. Is that all you've got?
No one said anything about the majority. I have no idea where you're getting this from.


Well-Known Member
Are you high? They are protesting the bill that attacks Wisconsin public employees. Did you bother to read the article? Their protest is in response to the bill. The bill isn't in response to the protests. The bill came first. I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this... wow.
And just what are you explaining?

Your obtuse mental process, perhaps?

I believe it's safe to say that it's all agreed that the protesters are there to show their opposition to a bill.

When did I state the bill was in response to the protests?

When did I state the protests preceded the bill?

As a matter of fact I am high.

Perhaps you should try it yourself. Cannabis: It does a mind good.


Well-Known Member
I can't substantiate your number either way. Perhaps you would like to source it to salvage your credibility.

But, for the sake of argument, lets use it.

The latest census data for the State of Wisconsin puts the population at just under 5.7 million.

Which means that roughly 1.75% of the population was outraged enough to go to the state capitol and behave like toddlers who had their pacifiers taken away.

Forget about the source...

and your credibility.

1.75% of the population??

is that really the argument you are going to put forth??

30,000 people out on the streets protesting a decision which could severely hurt the middle class....... it's not 14 dumbo's at funerals, or 20 something baptists in front of abortion clinics.......

you never cease to amaze. the people express themselves against government action, which even if legal cause enough unrest and displeasure in the people to make them go out into the streets in protest, and you somehow think these constituents should be ignored.

this is a very real and dangerous attack on the middle class by the elite few. nothing more, nothing less. your incorrect assessment and failure to see what's going on for what it is shows a disconnect between you and reality. it's not a child getting his pacifier taken away. it's not a tantrum over a toy. it's a little more complicated than that, your constant analogy of modern day economics and play yard psychology is incorrect.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
And just what are you explaining?

Your obtuse metal process, perhaps?
Sorry, I don't work with metal. I no idea what an obtuse metal process is.

When did I state the bill was in response to the protests?
When did I state the protests preceded the bill?
Wow.. you are contradicting yourself all over the place. So once again, what were the Unions demanding that prompted this bill? Not the protests, but the bill itself. What were they demanding? In what Bill? What legislation? How were they being "thugs?" You made the accusations. the burden of proof is on your shoulders, not mine.


Well-Known Member
i love how johny sees 10,000 people going to the capitol to demonstrate against something, the most outspoken, and militant protests of their kind in the history of the state...

yet somehow what the legislature and governor are doing is somehow to be believed to be in-line with the general populations' wishes....

last i heard on the local news at 11 the count got up to 35-40 thousand people with a larger crowd expected tommorow. but i agree with what you said totally.