A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

great set up tricka wouldnt keep all you nutes in the tent tho think most of them supposed to be kept in cool dark place but very nice set up..
great set up tricka wouldnt keep all you nutes in the tent tho think most of them supposed to be kept in cool dark place but very nice set up..
they are under my table, they are there in the photo's for illistrative purpose's lol

but yeah i will move them, thanks SD
hey trick just jumped on,dont know if you got them temps down yet but heres a little ditty that might work for ya,take a 5 gal bucket ,drill a bunch of holes in it,throw some dry ice in the bottom,put a 10in fan on top blowin down,hang from top of tent,might cool ya off some,and ya get co2 as well,and when she starts to get nice and stinky throw some pinesol or some shit in it and bamm,cool good smellin,co2 works a treat 1lb block should last ya for the day jus sayin keep up your pecker mate
wow thanks med4u that is interesting.....as for the bucket what type of plastic is needed or would a galvanised steel bucket be fine would PPE (poly propelene) be alright for the dry ice, i dont want the thing crashing down on my girls. lol

im ok with the smell so far as the tent is i a bricked up garage, but i will look into pinesol for sure ;)
yea steel be alright i jus use a 5 gal plastic i got em all over the place put the holes up towards the top and you can jus put water in it if you need humidity i doubt you do bein summer and all good luck lookin good
hey trick i was gonna say it dont have to to be top o tent jus higher than the girls all the co2 goes down to floor anyway,and i was gonna ask do people keep them roos for pets down there? i could jus see some burglar gettin shit kicked outta him by one a dem bastards!
hey trick i was gonna say it dont have to to be top o tent jus higher than the girls all the co2 goes down to floor anyway,and i was gonna ask do people keep them roos for pets down there? i could jus see some burglar gettin shit kicked outta him by one a dem bastards!

Roos are more used as guard-dogs, we keep the drop bears as pets.
hahah nah man they are only 'pets' in zoos, they can be a pest in most parts of the country, a lot people have licience to shoot and cull them, they eat any green shoot, we actually cut em up and sell it as cat and dog food, you can eat roo steaks....not bad

yeah i wouldn't want to be standing against a big red, they would fuck you up
im jacking my own thread with this vid.....nice piece, niece shot
if ya ever fly to aust man make sure the airline u fly with has shushers there job is to shush all the wombats and roos of the runways so ya dont crash those wombats do a shit load of damage if ya hit one they snap wheels like twigs and man if a roo jumps as ya go by and its close and gets sucked into the jets well its game over
wow kinda like we got deer round here seems like they wait for ya to drive by and bam!not that uncommon to bust thru your windshield,i was wonderin if weed is legal any where down under. i just got my michigan medical marijuana card,im growin for 5 patients plus my self at 12 plants per i turned the whole house into a grow ops needless to say i got clones all over istarted in a 6x6 tent now im scrogin cocoa kush the whole house smells like a chocolate chip cookie needless to say the miss's is gettin a little pissed but its my new career settin me up for retirement hopfully ill be checkin in with ya keep up the good work peace out
kangaroos are a nuisance in the wild, we was out bush a while back and we just missed hitting a roo head on that just jumped in front of my car i ended up hitting his tail and our bumper was completely fucked lol but the roo was fine he just got back up and hoped right away, if we had hit the roo head on the car would probably have been a write off for sure
Years back I had a mate who worked at a truck cleaning business, his main job was to pull out the various lumps of roo that got wedged under the trucks/trailors, he'd half fill a skip every day with roo bits - and damn, his dogs ate well.
Juz a little update...not much

:-Pso i been razzin me mate up about my lamp costs and nutes im feeding the clones, i said get off ya own asre and set up a vegging area, instead of mine......
Well it worked i showed him a few links and sites and said its not that bloody exspensive, just go out and order it.... you know ya need to...type convo!!

so im back to square#1 with a clean tent, that are ready for some beens to arrive...:wall: hurry up lol

feel fee to chat amongst this thread its good to get to know everyone ;)

yeah Od's those shooers are funny!!!

and as for being able to leagally and medically grow cannabis in our country....that'll be the day, i will be fucking lining up with my swag for years....hell im fucking waiting in line now hahaha,lol i thinks its wonderful that some parts of the medical fraternity and governments around the globe are seeing the true powers of medicating with the use of a little smoko!:clap:

Hey guys, im just wondering would any body thats following like me to do a 'Time lapse video' of my grow?

As you prob know i often think into things a little too deep, but good rewards can often progress from this....anyways what im trying to say is that i run my own security on my grow area for my own reasons, and i have a spare camera that i wanted to mount inside mt tent, i have a remote control that i can use and this can allow me to take film or a single photo at a desired time on a constant relay, i reckon half a dozen photo's a day over say 3 months and then by the end i can throw it all in a video edit program and have a 4-5min vid of my entire grow.....waddya reckon?????

P2180002 (2).jpg

4th vote. How you get that camera, any links? and where did you get your fans can you link me? are they noisy as shit? you gonna run a carbon filter?
4th vote. How you get that camera, any links? and where did you get your fans can you link me? are they noisy as shit? you gonna run a carbon filter?

G'day mrchrondog, the camera and my whole set up are both from ebay....fuck i love that place!

i have a few camera's that i bought from jaycar electronics but ther are an old cctv set up...

here are the links....the fans are a little noisy so yeah if you are concerned with noise then a scrubber box or a silencer would be ideal,(the tents are not 100% light proof they are about 98% if you cover your duct holes) but personly i have no concerns for the odour or the noises as they are are in a double bricked garage, and next to no neighbours, i can just, and i mean just hear it at the dead of the night with my head against the garage door, but by then your already on film hahaha lol....fuck some fridges are pretty noisy

http://www.aussieponics.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=234 this is there website but they are called Ozponics on ebay, their actualy set up i bought isnt on there atm but this one is very close...

http://stores.ebay.com.au/ozponics?_rdc=1 here is ozponic's page on ebay

http://stores.ebay.com.au/Discount-Hydroponic-Supplies/Complete-Tent-Setups-/_i.html?_fsub=2005638015&_sid=78281095&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322 these guys-dicount hydro supplies they are great on quality/prices, i would of preferred one of their packages but i didnt know about them yet,

http://cgi.ebay.com/PAINTBALL-CAMERA-SONY-CCD-BULLET-HELMET-CAM-REMOTE-REC-/350310982640?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51902963f0this very similar to what i got, i use mine for my motocross bike and shit like that, you can even do a search for home security cctv packages as they might even be cheaper?
hope this helps mate.....these hydro stores are in Australia ebay btw