need a change.. and advice please


Active Member
whats up guys. the grow i just finished didnt turn out like any of my previous grows and i feel im in need of a couple of changes...

1st is the soil, i just used multi-purpose compost from my local garden centre and dont think its doing the job.

I would like to use maybe fox farms or bio bizz but the problem is im not too keen on having a big bag of soil shipped to where i am so im thinking something like John innes soil that i can buy here? if thats no good then i might have to resort to ordering some.

Next is lighting..

i just finished some autos using a 250w and 400w HPS and by the time i got to around 4 weeks into them i had lost waayyyy too many leaves and 1 of the plants didnt even survive because of this.

So im thinkin a 250w MH metal halide would be a better blub for when my next plant ( not an auto) is vegging, will the plant stay in better health from using this?

Looking to get under way ASAP so any help will be much appreciated!!

Much love... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah man look around

they sell fox farms oceans forest in plenty of places around here.

garden stores, hydro shops, head shops...... google....


Active Member
Here's a thought. Why not try your hand at Hydro? Screw dirt.

$40us got me started.

See i'v only ever grown in dirt, wouldnt know where to start with hydro.
And this time round i need garunteed results with having wasted so much time on my previous grow. looks like i'l have to order some decent soil then.
Can you advice me if getting the MH 250w bulb is a better option for vegging than the 250w HPS?


Well-Known Member
So im thinkin a 250w MH metal halide would be a better blub for when my next plant ( not an auto) is vegging, will the plant stay in better health from using this?:
Only if you can find a 6500 K bulb for it otherwise your better off with the HPS than a standard 4000 K MH.



Active Member
Alright fella,,

A mh bulb well help during veg because of its blue spectrum but then so whould a 125w blue cfl..
And the reason you see the yellowing was the plants way of telling you she needs more n in her diet..
for soil you can go to the garden center and buy all the bits you need to make your own soil mix..

40% composted soil
30% worm castings
20% perlite
10% dolomite, guanos, goodies, etc..
the beauty of
organics is it's almost impossible to burn your plants, and the taste is superior to
chem. grown plants.

Thats a googled recipe mate..


Active Member
Only if you can find a 6500 K bulb for it otherwise your better off with the HPS than a standard 4000 K MH.

See its just the 4000k jobby but with the HPS my leaves arnt surviving at all so it has to be done really.

Alright fella,,

A mh bulb well help during veg because of its blue spectrum but then so whould a 125w blue cfl..
And the reason you see the yellowing was the plants way of telling you she needs more n in her diet..
for soil you can go to the garden center and buy all the bits you need to make your own soil mix..

40% composted soil
30% worm castings
20% perlite
10% dolomite, guanos, goodies, etc..
the beauty of
organics is it's almost impossible to burn your plants, and the taste is superior to
chem. grown plants.

Thats a googled recipe mate..
cheers for that,
what kind of compost am i looking for tho? any organic good stuff yeh?


Active Member
yeah mate that should be cool... just stay away from mg stuff it's not to clever for our babies
good luck mate

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Look around for some soil recipies here on RUI, just seems like a waste to pay good money to ship dirt.

Def use the 250w MH for veg and switch the the HPS for flower.

Ok I'm going to pitch you again on hydro.

Deep Water Cluture (DWC) is as easy as it get.

The 10 gal ruff neck i use can hold 9 plants (too many IMO)

No soil to get rid of (or have to ship in for out of country), explosive growth compared to soil (I have the same clones in soil and DWC and the DWC kicks soils ass), MORE CONTROL.

You have well defined and measurable variables.

1 - Ph
2 - PPM (sorry EC for you Brits)
3 - NPK + Micro ratios
4 - Rez temps

I too was leary, but once I saw how easy it was I went for it. Think about it i think you would be well rewarded.


Active Member
yeah a 250w mh is more then alright for the one plant..
I veg under a 125cfl and have no probs mate


Active Member
thanks for that bonzi i know people claim that hydro is better but im gonna have to stick to dirt, much easier and i know (kinda) what im doing.
Im thinking if it wasnt my HPS that was being horrible to my last plants it had to be the soil. Gonna search up the best way for an organic recipe.
thanks again chaps!