Raided in Oakland County


Well-Known Member
Well, I knew it was coming. Dont we all? Today my kid stayed home from school and he was laying, sick, watching some cartoons when a gang of police entered with a search warrant. They were extremely nice, they were not interested in catching me on little things that I believe they could have got me for. They took my info and then we counted my plants while a masked officer searched a few cabinets and bedrooms. While I was answering a couple questions with an officer, the masked officer was scrolling through rollitup on my computer, I had it opened to a Michigan thread. He commented on a few pictures he seen (and KB's "Fuck The Police" avatar LOL) and they were on their way. I walked them out and one cop said "ill be back in two weeks to make sure you put a door on that grow room". This is Oakland County/Hazel Park.
I was narced on by the water department, they came over on a service call last week cause my pipes froze and it was obvious to him i guess with the smell and the plants vegging under a t-5 in my laundry room. LOL
One officer mentioned that they wouldnt do these raids on medical if they were allowed to simply call the mmmp and get info on patients/caregivers. since the confidentiality rule there is no way of them finding out if were legal without coming in to see with their own eyes.


a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
So now they have SWAT do MMJ patient plant and grow room audits?

Great use of police resources.
It's like he said they have no way of knowing who is a patient or illegal. at least they didn't toss his shit , and with a child in the home it could of been 1 million time worse. the masked officer is probably doing undercover work.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Police show up with masks on and raid the house, I'm not making that up.

My point is seems like this is a huge waste of resources


Well-Known Member
As a (presumably) long time MI resident, now that they "know," do you feel safe in your current residence? Just trying to get a vibe on the atmosphere out there in MI.


Well-Known Member
this is intended to be a feel good thread for michigan patients. its made me feel good. i feel much more secure now knowing that the police know about my grow and im still welcome here. i didnt get nasty comments or anything from these guys and quite the contrary. they were treating me like a normal, civil person. it was very nice. aside from a bit of mud that i need to clean up from my new carpeting ...they couldnt have handled the situation any better:)

if your legally growing in michigan you can feel at ease if you are staying within the limits. UNLESS YOU LIVE IN ONE OF THE CITIES WITH BANS!!!

do your homework and move to a mmj friendly city. lookem up, if they are accepting applications for dispensaries and such then its a good city to live and/or operate your grow.


Well-Known Member
My point is seems like this is a huge waste of resources
ya know whats funny? the officer who was doing the paperwork at my dining room table, said exactly that.

i think his quote was ...pfft what a waste of time hehe, their always legal nowadays.


Active Member
I guess that answers the question about the relative anonymity on riu. Glad it worked out alright for you rzza, lock that stuff up! I have to agree with Bonzi about a waste of resources though. It sure would be a lot better to send a community liason officer around to investigate first. I have heard the argument about armed drug dealers installing man traps and killing officers, and I am sorry but statistics just don't bear that argument out. Far more innocent people are killed in drug raids than police, and that was true even before your local sheriff started getting $300k a year to fire up their own tactical (swat) forces.


Well-Known Member
I meant no offense, apologize if I was out of line. Just seems like there would be a more cost effective way to accomplish what is in-essence a permit audit
i agree, i think the police should have access to names and address of all who are "allowed to posses plants".


Active Member
Yeah man good to hear you, your family, and plants are all left alone and safe. Score one for the good guys; I'm pretty sure thats us.


Well-Known Member
thank you chomps. i feel good right now. i had to sit down and smoke a bowl to take it all in and man im glad its happened. now i need to get a door. lol


Active Member
Make sure you get that lock for the door! The things that they could have gotten you on, make them right, because they will probably be back. Always cover your ass, which it sounds like you are doing!

Dang, do you think the water person turned them onto you, or just coincidence?:leaf::leaf::leaf: