911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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hehehe what sort of weirdos do i get my self involved with :spew:

any chance of sat,s lotto no,s as well then

With a name like hippyvibes, what did you expect? You should change your name to hatefulvibes and I wouldn't be so eager to make you look like the fool you are.
ok beam me up scotty !!! :hug: ive gave this plucker enough of my time he thinks im a fool haha and he,s in the tin hat club predicting what i will say u arogent little skitter :wall:

what r u even taking about what did i expect ???????
What did you expect? What do I mean by that? What the fuck is a hippy? Peace and love and all that bullshit, right? So what is a hippy vibe? A "good" vibe I would assume. Well then, what the fuck is this shit your spewing.....These Mormons are speading this paranoide Propaganda all over the net !!! and It was them filthy muslims did it plain and simple ! Your a sick, hypocritical lib!!! Want more and I'll bury you with your own words. I don't remember you from other threads, but being able to pull these two excerpts from this one thread, I'm sure there is a lot more bigoted, racist rhetoric where that came from......YOU!!!
What did you expect? What do I mean by that? What the fuck is a hippy? Peace and love and all that bullshit, right? So what is a hippy vibe? A "good" vibe I would assume. Well then, what the fuck is this shit your spewing.....These Mormons are speading this paranoide Propaganda all over the net !!! and It was them filthy muslims did it plain and simple ! Your a sick, hypocritical lib!!! Want more and I'll bury you with your own words. I don't remember you from other threads, but being able to pull these two excerpts from this one thread, I'm sure there is a lot more bigoted, racist rhetoric where that came from......YOU!!!


your more rasist than me by spreading these theorys over dead peoples bodys we seen what happend let the people rest in peace and spread no more of this rasist propaganada

i dont like muslims coz they dont like people that dont belive in islam coz its unholy thats why they blew up the twins and the uk in the name of alla "no 1 attacked them or wants war with them and coz i dont like them dont mean id hurt them ..
And i dont like mormons coz they are a pain in the ass thou i wouldent hit them or be rude id just tell him politly 2 fuck off haha to be honest they r just like u spreading shit i dont hate them just think they are annoying ass,s like yourself forcing belifes on people

The real problems are the fact that the American government has created and incited false international incidents several times in the past in the vain of rallying the American citizens into a war.
If you cry wolf once and get caught then it makes it hard for people to believe you in the future.

Theres no hard evidence that the government blew up the trade towers.
The most worrying thing to my mind is the extra insurance policies taken out just before it happened and the strange way in which they collapsed.

We will have to wait 50-100 years to find out what really happened its that simple:blsmoke:
Your an idiot. With your eyes closed. It must be people like you who perpetuate the news coverage of people like Brittany, and Paris. I always wondered. Now I know.

That's your opinion which doesn't change the facts one way or another ...

... I have no idea who those people are nor do I care to know ...

... so now you don't know ... :neutral:
The real problems are the fact that the American government has created and incited false international incidents several times in the past in the vain of rallying the American citizens into a war.
If you cry wolf once and get caught then it makes it hard for people to believe you in the future.

Theres no hard evidence that the government blew up the trade towers.
The most worrying thing to my mind is the extra insurance policies taken out just before it happened and the strange way in which they collapsed.

We will have to wait 50-100 years to find out what really happened its that simple:blsmoke:

... and how do you know that we won't find this so called hard evidence if we had an open honest NON-PARTISAN investigation where people had to testify UNDER OATH ... keeping the puppet master and the dummy separate during questioning? ... how do you know they didn't do it when they've gone out of their way to cover this event up?

... and why do we have to wait 50-100 years to find out ... why is it that simple?
... and how do you know that we won't find this so called hard evidence if we had an open honest NON-PARTISAN investigation where people had to testify UNDER OATH ... keeping the puppet master and the dummy separate during questioning? ... how do you know they didn't do it when they've gone out of their way to cover this event up?

... and why do we have to wait 50-100 years to find out ... why is it that simple?
Yeah its always a good idea to get people that are full of shit and drop bombs on women and children(by accident of course,not:roll:),who are in bed with oil barons to testify whilst holding a bible:mrgreen:
Yeah man the bible just makes people tell the truth:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

As to the 50-100 years,this is part of the official secrets act,check things out properly before you come at me with your bad attitude and read through properly what i said the first time with some actual brain juice instead of opinionated anger:twisted:

your more rasist than me by spreading these theorys over dead peoples bodys we seen what happend let the people rest in peace and spread no more of this rasist propaganada

i dont like muslims coz they dont like people that dont belive in islam coz its unholy thats why they blew up the twins and the uk in the name of alla "no 1 attacked them or wants war with them and coz i dont like them dont mean id hurt them ..
And i dont like mormons coz they are a pain in the ass thou i wouldent hit them or be rude id just tell him politly 2 fuck off haha to be honest they r just like u spreading shit i dont hate them just think they are annoying ass,s like yourself forcing belifes on people


Good job, cuz! Forcing you to reevaluate your position is forcing my "belief" on you? Glad I could be of some assistance.:mrgreen:
Lehman: Commission Purposely Set Up So that 9/11 Staff Had Conflict of Interest
George Washington's Blog
Tuesday February 5, 2008
We already knew that the 9/11 Commissioners had conflicts of interest. And we already knew that Philip Zelikow had huge conflicts of interest, which the new book The Commission explores.

But did you know that a 9/11 Commissioner recently said that all of the 9/11 Commission staff had a conflict of interest?

Specifically, 9/11 Commissioner and former Secretary of the Navy John Lehman just said on NBC Nightly news:He went on to say:This is important because many people have assumed that -- even if Zelikow and the Commissioners had conflicts of interest -- the staff would at least do a thorough and unbiased job in investigating what happened on 9/11. We now know this is not true.

Indeed, Lehman strongly implies that the Commission was purposely set up so that every single person involved would have a conflict of interest which would prevent them from conducting an honest investigation.

Lehman himself is a textbook example of conflict of interest. In 1998, 9/11 Commission executive director Zelikow published an article in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, entitled Catastrophic Terrorism: Imagining the Transformative Event. Some two years later, PNAC picked up the Zelikow language, saying that the campaign to convince the public to allow expanded use of U.S. military force around the world "is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor". Lehman was a member of PNAC, and a signatory to PNAC's plea for "a new Pearl Harbor". See this video and this essay.

When taken with other facts undermining the Commission's credibility (and see this), Lehman's revelation should completely destroy the idea that there has been any real investigation into 9/11.
It's one of those things that change history that will remain hidden from the public for at least 60 years, then we'll get the heavily redacted version. We still havent gotten the straight stuff from either of the Kennedy assassinations, and they have been 60 years or more.
:cry:Who really gives a fck anyway

"I mean" none of youse lay-about dope-smokers are going 2 do any thing no matter what the truth is are ya,s lmao

Do your selfs a favor pack a fat 1 and smoke it becouse thats all your going 2 do any ways then post some more bullshit up again after ya toke on thats all u will do lmao

:cry:Who really gives a fck anyway

"I mean" none of youse lay-about dope-smokers are going 2 do any thing no matter what the truth is are ya,s lmao

Do your selfs a favor pack a fat 1 and smoke it becouse thats all your going 2 do any ways then post some more bullshit up again after ya toke on thats all u will do lmao

You aint no hippy, more like a dipshit if you are anything, I believe you are the one smoking fatties and laying around on your dead ass. Get up and go get a job, Vote, contribute. Stop trolling through the politics section of which you don't know shit. BTW unlike some members here, I won't name names, I don't love your ass.