Lady boys and high heels

I think one of the documented patient's name is Jazz Jennings. He started out as an effeminate, little boy, but his lunatic mom somehow interpreted that Jazz was really a girl so the mom set out on a mission and got the little boy's penis filleted into some kind of pus-filled wound that was supposed to be a vagina....and subsequently there are all kinds of horrible consequences that are bubbling up -both mental and physical.

Also I recommend that you watch the movie called "What Is A Woman" by Matt Walsh, for further documentation of such patients and procedures.

Matt Walsh!? the radical-right radio personality?
He has no medical credentials.

But he does have a talk-radio hate pulpit.

He is also a player in the culture war mounted by other “conservatives” (fascists) against people who do not adhere to a grimly Calvinistic misdefinition of gender.

I did say to cite the peer-reviewed medical literature. At this point, you are as incredible as some backwater Baptist evangelist falsely claiming the Bible speaks against homosexuality. (It doesn’t.)
There isn't a specific study that I'm aware of. But the information about excess estrogen in the water is pretty common knowledge.
My understanding of ingesting sex hormones is that they will have mental and physical influences on the body. I would suspect this could be particularly influential on young, still-growing bodies and minds.
I think it stands to reason that, since birth control pills are predominantly used in developed countries for the purpose of allowing heterosexual people to have casual, recreational sex without the fear of impregnating or becoming impregnated, and the resulting excess of this estrogen-based birth control that ends up in the water and being ingested by almost everyone who uses a city water supply, it might be the case that there could be a correlation between the ingestion of female sex hormones, by immature males, and the resultant upswing in sexual confusion that seems to be so prevalent as of late -especially within certain age ranges. I think it's an interesting idea whether it can be proven or not. Lots of ideas these days, don't require any proof or documentation. People just say whatever they want and no one is supposed to disagree with any of it or (god forbid) LAUGH at any of it. sheesh...;)
I think one of the documented patient's name is Jazz Jennings. He started out as an effeminate, little boy, but his lunatic mom somehow interpreted that Jazz was really a girl so the mom set out on a mission and got the little boy's penis filleted into some kind of pus-filled wound that was supposed to be a vagina....and subsequently there are all kinds of horrible consequences that are bubbling up -both mental and physical.

Also I recommend that you watch the movie called "What Is A Woman" by Matt Walsh, for further documentation of such patients and procedures.
Your response was expected. The documentary is great, but you appear to have a bias against him. I didn't even know who he was until recently. The people in his documentary are supposedly "world renowned" experts in their respective fields. I think since they are "peer-reviewed" experts, their information should also count as being so. If that's not good enough, then I will try and slowly back away from any further comments and bid you a good day.

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Your response was expected. The documentary is great, but you appear to have a bias against him. I didn't even know who he was until recently. The people in his documentary are supposedly "world renowned" experts in their respective fields. I think since they are "peer-reviewed" experts, their information should also count as being so. I that's not good enough, then I will try and slowly back away from any further comments and bid you a good day.

Anyone who quotes polemicists pandering to the antiscience religious right for sci-med insights does not have a seat at the table objectively examining the issues raised.

Would you accept a book about evolution written by a young-Earth creationist? (I am not sure the answer is No.)

Isn't this the era of everyone making shit up? It sure seems that way. And since everything is pretend now, how can anyone tell what medically based science really is? After all, medical science now allows doctors to mutilate healthy body parts of patients just because the patients come in and pretend they are something other than what they really are. Making shit up, indeed!
"Since everything is pretend now, how can anyone tell what medical based science really is?" Thanks, ts. That so perfectly encapsulates the modern anti science movement. Never mind objective facts, just make shit up.
There isn't a specific study that I'm aware of. But the information about excess estrogen in the water is pretty common knowledge.
My understanding of ingesting sex hormones is that they will have mental and physical influences on the body. I would suspect this could be particularly influential on young, still-growing bodies and minds.
I think it stands to reason that, since birth control pills are predominantly used in developed countries for the purpose of allowing heterosexual people to have casual, recreational sex without the fear of impregnating or becoming impregnated, and the resulting excess of this estrogen-based birth control that ends up in the water and being ingested by almost everyone who uses a city water supply, it might be the case that there could be a correlation between the ingestion of female sex hormones, by immature males, and the resultant upswing in sexual confusion that seems to be so prevalent as of late -especially within certain age ranges. I think it's an interesting idea whether it can be proven or not. Lots of ideas these days, don't require any proof or documentation. People just say whatever they want and no one is supposed to disagree with any of it or (god forbid) LAUGH at any of it. sheesh...;)
pretty common knowledge isn't facts...quit reading when you said that....come back with facts...not suspicions.
"Since everything is pretend now, how can anyone tell what medical based science really is?" Thanks, ts. That so perfectly encapsulates the modern anti science movement. Never mind objective facts, just make shit up.
Well I think you kinda missed my point -which was to state that much of what really isn't science is being included as such by "peer-reviewed" (I'm quite sure) doctors who endorse the idea of changing sex organs through surgery in order to appease a mental illness. I'm not making anything up when you can clearly see and hear the people in their own words if you watch the documentary.
Well I think you kinda missed my point -which was to state that much of what really isn't science is being included as such by "peer-reviewed" (I'm quite sure) doctors who endorse the idea of changing sex organs through surgery in order to appease a mental illness. I'm not making anything up when you can clearly see and hear the people in their own words if you watch the documentary.
Your posts contain nothing but your own musing. Not that anything is wrong with blue sky imagining the consequences of estrogen in our water supplies but who in hell are you and why should I take your musing seriously? So, go ahead and post your musing but it's nothing anybody should take seriously without independent confirmation and objective facts to back it up. Also should come from reputable sources. I've read your posts and I'm sorry to say I find you incredibly superstitious, ignorant and biased.

What you mused about is not novel or unstudied and there is plenty of good science behind those studies . To date no risks have been identified for humans though it is affecting fish and crustaceans that are part of the food cycle in lakes. I'm sorry, maybe I should show you more respect but you've never given me a reason for doing so.

But one example from many studies and reports:

We used the Pharmaceutical Assessment and Transport Evaluation (PhATE) model to predict concentrations of estrogens potentially present in drinking water. Predicted drinking water concentrations were combined with default water intake rates to estimate drinking water exposures. Predicted drinking water intakes were compared to dietary intakes and also to ADIs. We present comparisons for individual estrogens as well as combined estrogens.

In the analysis we estimated that a child’s exposures to individual prescribed estrogens in drinking water are 730–480,000 times lower (depending upon estrogen type) than exposure to background levels of naturally occurring estrogens in milk. A child’s exposure to total estrogens in drinking water (prescribed and naturally occurring) is about 150 times lower than exposure from milk. Adult margins of exposure (MOEs) based on total dietary exposure are about 2 times smaller than those for children. Margins of safety (MOSs) for an adult’s exposure to total prescribed estrogens in drinking water vary from about 135 to > 17,000, depending on ADI. MOSs for exposure to total estrogens in drinking water are about 2 times lower than MOSs for prescribed estrogens. Depending on the ADI that is used, MOSs for young children range from 28 to 5,120 for total estrogens (including both prescribed and naturally occurring sources) in drinking water.

The consistently large MOEs and MOSs strongly suggest that prescribed and total estrogens that may potentially be present in drinking water in the United States are not causing adverse effects in U.S. residents, including sensitive subpopulations.
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Think about this: The trend for men feeling like they are in the wrong body has been on the increase...but only in developed countries where estrogen birth control pills are prevalent. In more primitive areas of the world, there is no such trend.
I dont agree with your reasoning but science says.:

The sex of human and other mammal babies is decided by a male-determining gene on the Y chromosome. But the human Y chromosome is degenerating and may disappear
Well I think you kinda missed my point -which was to state that much of what really isn't science is being included as such by "peer-reviewed" (I'm quite sure) doctors who endorse the idea of changing sex organs through surgery in order to appease a mental illness. I'm not making anything up when you can clearly see and hear the people in their own words if you watch the documentary.
You were trying to make a point?

Non binary and transgender people may be a new phenomenon for you to wrap your head around but they’ve been around for as long as humanly. Long before North America was “discovered” by European colonizers, indigenous people referred to transgender people as “two spirited”. How much estrogen was in the water then?

Also worth mentioning, most indigenous cultures accepted and celebrated transgender people as valuable members of society and didn’t label them as mentally ill.

Makes you wonder who the real savages are, doesn’t it?
You were trying to make a point?

Non binary and transgender people may be a new phenomenon for you to wrap your head around but they’ve been around for as long as humanly. Long before North America was “discovered” by European colonizers, indigenous people referred to transgender people as “two spirited”. How much estrogen was in the water then?

Also worth mentioning, most indigenous cultures accepted and celebrated transgender people as valuable members of society and didn’t label them as mentally ill.

Makes you wonder who the real savages are, doesn’t it?
NO...I know who they are...Charlottesville_'Unite_the_Right'_Rally_(35780274914)_crop.jpg