Will it survive??? HELP


Active Member
whats your soil mix? as far as my experience goes the first 2 weeks are always kind of weird - sometimes they just look plain awful for no reason (hehe when you think about it its kind of like puberty). So, first off give us some more specs, and second of all - don't worry :) in a few weeks your gonna laugh at how much you worried

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
If it is older than a day then it might have issues...

If it is brand new then just give it time dude. Not like there is anything you can do about it now.


Active Member
The mix is perlite & seed raising mix. The stuff you can see on top is just seed raising mix to help keep moisture as its pretty dry here at the moment.

I know what you guys meen by being patient and all, its just that the top of this beans sprout looks awfull, just a bulbous end at the top of a greent stem, cant see leaves beggining to for or anything. Its been out of the ground for about a day and a half. Stem is still green. Anyway the other one is fine, so ill see what happens with this one.


Active Member
well looks like you drowned it
Yea it looks that way but the soil under was pretty dry, i had just given it a spray so im pretty sure it wasn't over watered, but thats why the top of the soil looks soaked. I think it might have been to hot. the other one was planted the same but was about 6 inches further back from the window, so this one would have been substantially warmer. The other one was in same soil and watered the same but its fine