Soil or hydro for unattended plants


Well-Known Member
hey i was wondering which would be better soil or hydro if i want to visit my plants only once every couple of days. With soil i could put automatic timers on for watering but i have heard that it can be risky. But also if i am not there to monitor a hydro gro that could also be bad because there is more to go wrong than there is with soil.

Your feedback will be much apreicated:joint:


Well-Known Member
I say soil,just because my plants could go up to a week plus without any attention,but lest hear some other opinions


Well-Known Member
i would say hydro... some systems(hydro) THE ph rises or lowers so depending on the system u have or build i would say watch it for awhile get comfortable with the system your running and be gone with urself...soil or hydro, but the term unattended plants bother's me a bit, depending on the reason of course... but these plants are great to watch grow..seriously..


Well-Known Member
Soil. You can get water absorbing crystal thingies that slowly release water, and a drip feeder, not even one on a timer, i have some for orchids, they just have very small holes and slowly release water.


Well-Known Member
Soil. You can get water absorbing crystal thingies that slowly release water, and a drip feeder, not even one on a timer, i have some for orchids, they just have very small holes and slowly release water.
I think soil would be good because there is alot less to go wrong, those crystal thing sound good are you talking about perlite?

i was thinking about doing some kind of constant drip system for outside plants in the ground but i dont know if id like to do that inside becuase of root rot and stuff. how did youn make your drip system for orchids can you put on sum pics and explain, or did u just buy it?

thanks for all the fast input guys!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Its like, a small container with a tiny pinprick hole, you fill it up, it slowly feeds. The crystals (i think they are crystals) can be brought in any Gardening/DIY store. Just look around the gardening section or ask, you should find them quite easily.


Well-Known Member
Its like, a small container with a tiny pinprick hole, you fill it up, it slowly feeds. The crystals (i think they are crystals) can be brought in any Gardening/DIY store. Just look around the gardening section or ask, you should find them quite easily.

yea i think thats perlite its like white little rocks and its in alot of potting soil

soo yea i guess im gonna go soil for a while then when i get comfortable with growing inside ill try hyrdo also