Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
so whats next for you milly? i mean seed wise? what will you start next?
Probably Another lowryder because i think the next one will be double in size since i know what i did wrong. After that, I'm not sure..probably another auto though.


Well-Known Member
i got my seeds through the mail today :) lowryder lemon's so i am gettin rdy to start germinating them now :) well happy and this will be my frst grow :) hope it go's as well as Lucy has :)


Well-Known Member
i got my seeds through the mail today :) lowryder lemon's so i am gettin rdy to start germinating them now :) well happy and this will be my frst grow :) hope it go's as well as Lucy has :)
Congrats man! Lowryder should do you good, can you post a link of where u got them? I wana check them out if there lowryder


Well-Known Member
DAY 60: Lucy is finally on day 60, and i think she will be ready to chop very soon..if any of you guys know please tell me. Everyone i've seen said they usually chop there lowryder 1 on day 63. I am planning to do a 24/36 hour dark period before i chop so if you guys could tell me when that would be great!

Might flush one last time tomorrow also.


James Youngblood

Active Member
DAY 60: Lucy is finally on day 60, and i think she will be ready to chop very soon..if any of you guys know please tell me. Everyone i've seen said they usually chop there lowryder 1 on day 63. I am planning to do a 24/36 hour dark period before i chop so if you guys could tell me when that would be great!

Might flush one last time tomorrow also.

oh milly you did good kid,
we are on the home stretch!!! keep it up


Well-Known Member
damn man! i kinda like lowryders! i could fit like 2 in a pc box i bet.. well lookin great bro
yeah dude they are super small, mine should be a little bit taller but they would still fit in a pc box. I am thinking about doing 2 at 1 time. Might not get around to it depending on how much i yield from Lucy.



Well-Known Member
oh milly you did good kid,
we are on the home stretch!!! keep it up
BTW be looking for the update in less than 20 mins. but a REAL 20 mins not a RIU time frame. HAHAcome check her out.
Appreciated James, this was a long journey from not ever growing any type of plant in my life, to growing a fine plant like Lucy. Can't wait to chop her though how many days would you say?

edit: I'll be there in 20 minutes, not 8 hours :)

James Youngblood

Active Member
Appreciated James, this was a long journey from not ever growing any type of plant in my life, to growing a fine plant like Lucy. Can't wait to chop her though how many days would you say?

Well take how ever many day you think it'll be... and add three lol from what i've seen the anticipation of harvest gets so intense you need to actually push it back for the bigger better smoke


Well-Known Member
Well take how ever many day you think it'll be... and add three lol from what i've seen the anticipation of harvest gets so intense you need to actually push it back for the bigger better smoke
Yeah i kind of want to be able to try the bud by next weekend sometime, i have to get my drying time in, as well as curing time in...soo if i wanted to make the next weekend smoke i'd need to chop prettttyyyyyy soon.
Thing is, I'm not quite sure when that is lol I'm not sure if the hairs have receded into the bud or whatever.

James Youngblood

Active Member
Yeah i kind of want to be able to try the bud by next weekend sometime, i have to get my drying time in, as well as curing time in...soo if i wanted to make the next weekend smoke i'd need to chop prettttyyyyyy soon.
Thing is, I'm not quite sure when that is lol I'm not sure if the hairs have receded into the bud or whatever.

how are you planning on drying/curing? do you have a magnifying glass or microscope?


Well-Known Member
She is lloking very good millyy !!! Great job!
Thanks a lot bro, yours is looking very healthy. Thanks for stopping by again :)

how are you planning on drying/curing? do you have a magnifying glass or microscope?

A couple of updates back i posted 2 pics of my drying/curing stuff. I am going to chop her and then hang her upsite down for like 2-3 days, then give her the trim and if she isnt still wet i'll throw her into the brown bag with cut up brown bag ontop of the bud to dry it out. Then after 2 days of that i'll throw it into the airtight(i think) rubbermaid thing for curing, and burp it everyday.

I don't have a microscope, but i have a magnifying glass all though it doesn't magnifine it very large...


Lucy is looking so tasty! I would think in the next day or 2 she may be ready to sleep for a couple days. but not sure just a thought.


Well-Known Member
hey millyy, she looks just about done to me! if you have good eye sight and you can see the little tiny trichs through your magnifying glass, you basically want to chop when they're mostly "cloudy". they start out all clear, like crystals. then they start getting cloudy (like, white). eventually some start to get an amber color. that's when you should chop, at the first sign of amber trichs (but when most are still cloudy). hope this helps.

but to my eye based on your pics, you could chop tomorrow, or in a week :) . it'll be good either way! also, 24-36 hours of darkness before chopping is definitely a good idea!