Well-Known Member
i know when venting a space pulling air is always better than pushing.
well done Snafu, thats the best way of describing it........most efficient way to setup duct/fan/filter/hood in all-in-one: can filter at top of box>fan pulling air from filter>fan pushes air through hood and out your box
it is much better and more efficient to pull air through a carbon scrubber. also, it is better to push air through the duct after it has been scrubbed. this minimizes the chances of smelly air being sucked through the ducting and combinging with the scrubbed air.
air is like a metal-linked can pull a chain much easier than push it.
same shit happened to me all night so i just got on this morningW i just loged on this morn and i was tryn to get you last night could not get in sumtin about 20 mins went on all night -iwated to tell you to look at google images under reseva privad #18 and then look up res priv headband -gotta go to end hit show more link-weird both our avs
the weirdist thing of all happen to me at log on my show all posts and show all started threads start at october sumtin all resent gone-i guess i gota let the powers that be know the situation
yeah thats why i have my fan pulling everything thru works out good for mei know when venting a space pulling air is always better than pushing.
Yes i have two tents a homebox and one from htg.Im using 400s in both but when my flowering plants are done im adding the second 400 to the little ones for flowering so they will be under 800 watts and i will see how that does.what are you growing in WBW? I have seen shot of parts of your grow space, but dont remember seeing a full shot of it. Is it just a tent?
Very well....fucking she was pregga's as!!! thats a good amount of usable seed from those two nugs, she did well!
At first i was feeding it a tablespoon to a gallon of jack classics bloom booster 10-30-20 now i was power feeding it advance nutrients mico-bloom-grow as the schedule states.No sign of nute burn.As for her looking like a heavy yielder thats how she is looking to me after all the kush strains i ran she has a nice size dominant cola which im in love with with the kerosine/gasoline smell.Like i said the tahoe is the smell of my grow..The deadhead og is nothing to sleep on either very fuelly skunky smell.I think if it was in a bigger pot i would have got more but she has a nice dominant cola as well and i know my next round with her ill put her in a 2 or 3 gallon pot or grow bag.I know yield on that will be nice.WBW, what kind of feeding schedule did you implement on your Tahoe bruh? is it pretty much a heavy feeder?