Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well im sure no matter what your results are you weed will fuck you anyone up lol.

Im smoking on some blueberry right now and i have to say it was worth 25 for the half 1/8

oh the other hand i bought some 5 dollar special also called sensi skunk, its winter outdoor with seeds in it, lol.

but it does the job for sure, and at 5 bucks a gram i really cant complain, so i have about 20 seeds already out of myabe 1gram and still have 4 more grams to go lol.'

Im curious if i get some good ones or if they are all going to be some herm beans.
Yeah it is all a toss up with beans bro! I am sure that these breeders get lazy and cut corners makeing "fem" beans so may as well just grow some bag beans!

Oh and I am trying my hand again at some canna butter. I put 98 grams of premo suggar leaves in with 1 lb of butter into a $10 crock pot with some water. I am going to run this shit for 24hrs this time and see what I get! If this doesn't fuck me up I am tossing in the towl on butter! ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude u don't want to cook 24 hrs you want to cook it max 18 hrs. Lol also, I only cook butter about 4 hrs.

You mix ratio sounds like what I do to 2lbs so you really should be good. Lol

If it doesn't fuck you up try using a grinder to grind all the trim, of a 5 dollar coffee grinder from walmart

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Dude u don't want to cook 24 hrs you want to cook it max 18 hrs. Lol also, I only cook butter about 4 hrs.

You mix ratio sounds like what I do to 2lbs so you really should be good. Lol

If it doesn't fuck you up try using a grinder to grind all the trim, of a 5 dollar coffee grinder from walmart
Hey bro I have been cooking it for about 8 hrs so far, do you think I should stop it at 12? I have it in a crock pot on low and it is boiling slowly so I was just going to leve it till 9 the next morning. My last batch tasted like weed but there was no punch at all! Do you think 12 will suffice? If this one doesn't do it I am going to give up on the butter making idea. I didn't grind it this time I just put it in a big ass gallon bag and crushed it by hand, it was smashed the fuck up though.

oh and one thing I was wondering about was the soft stuff on the bottom of the butter when it seperates, do you scrape that off so it is solid butter or just let it drip dry? I was thinking maybe last time I fucked it up by scraping the soft stuff off the bottom.


Well-Known Member
so i have it the lowest i can on a flame stove, the crock pot will be the same i would take off now it should be fine at 12hrs. than double or triple on the cheese cloth dude, the less green the better,

also, when u put in containers to sit in the fridge, over night... i would wake up use a knife to scrape around the edges than pry it up pick it up than give it a shack and put in a seperate contaniner were ill be puttin gall the butter that i do the same steps too. than once it sits more the bottom stuff will harden and u might get a little more water in the bottom just pour it out and store in rubbermaids.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah it has been chilling all night so now I am going to pull it and make some cookies! ;) I only strained it with one thing of cheese cloth over a big metal strainer, I trippled up the cheese cloth last time and I was thinking that maybe that is what fucked me on the potency of it. I just need to pull it out and drain out the water and call it a day. I put over 90 grams of sugar leaves in there so if this doesn't come put potent then I will switch to trying to make bubble hash! It was in the crock pot for 10.5-11 hrs so I am thinking that should have been long enough, some people say as low as 3-4 hrs so 10 should be good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it has been chilling all night so now I am going to pull it and make some cookies! ;) I only strained it with one thing of cheese cloth over a big metal strainer, I trippled up the cheese cloth last time and I was thinking that maybe that is what fucked me on the potency of it. I just need to pull it out and drain out the water and call it a day. I put over 90 grams of sugar leaves in there so if this doesn't come put potent then I will switch to trying to make bubble hash! It was in the crock pot for 10.5-11 hrs so I am thinking that should have been long enough, some people say as low as 3-4 hrs so 10 should be good.
Should be looking good dude, if u make cookies with the recommmened amount of butter or melt butter on low heat on a stove top than use lke oil in recipes, and if you dont feel anything on a empty stomach in 15min
than for so reason it fuked up lol but from how you did it looks like its going to be bomb.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Should be looking good dude, if u make cookies with the recommmened amount of butter or melt butter on low heat on a stove top than use lke oil in recipes, and if you dont feel anything on a empty stomach in 15min
than for so reason it fuked up lol but from how you did it looks like its going to be bomb.
Fuck I hope so man! I hate failing at shit, especialy when I give it to others and it doesn't work! I don't take donations or anything so they aren't out any money but it still sucks looking like a fuck head that can't make butter! LOL We will see soon I am going to go cut a chunk off the butter and make some fucking space cakes! LOL betty crocker choco chip! ;) Keep your fingers crossed.


Active Member
My power went out yesterday so I could log on lol. Then the damn sight was down most of the day (it seemed.) Whats up?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Mmm space cakes
Holly shit it worked bro! My paitient came over and ate a whole cookie! So I figured it was cool to try 1/4 of a cookie. I was fucking out of it! LOL I got so fucking high, I am going to end up giving these cookies away they are way to strong for me. It was an amazing high though, it was like a cross with acid and smoking weed. I didn't see any shit but the way the high hit you was like acid, amazing body high and it seemed to flow into you then peak out then you came down real slowly. It was nice. I am going to save the cookie that I ate 1/4 of and give the rest away. I am also planning on making a batch and taking them to the farmers market next weekend. Maybe trade them for some cool clones, or I may just be able to take donations there for like $10/$15 a cookie. Just wanted to let you guys know that I was too fucking hight to get on here yesterday and let you know how the cookies came out. They were some bad ass space cakes if I do say so myself. I also have 2/3 of the butter left over so I can make two more batches! Maybe I will do some brownies, get high off one and dress up like a girl scout and sell them door to door?????? LOL


Well-Known Member
Thats amazing i think you should totally dress up and go door to door with them, its actually that time of year i just made my usual order of 5 boxs of carmel delights.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Thats amazing i think you should totally dress up and go door to door with them, its actually that time of year i just made my usual order of 5 boxs of carmel delights.
Carmel Delights? Man my wife just got 4 boxs of somoas and one box of thin mints. Somoas are the best! Got man stuff to do today so I will be outside most of the day today! ;)


Well-Known Member
Carmel Delights? Man my wife just got 4 boxs of somoas and one box of thin mints. Somoas are the best! Got man stuff to do today so I will be outside most of the day today! ;)
nice....ya bro carmel delights you will literally nut ur pants. at least get a box, they are a little taste of heaven.


Active Member
Come on Howie, just eat those cookies lol. What? You still trying to look sexy for the old lady? She married you already, get high and get fat my friend lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Seriously I'm 5'7" 150 soaking wet and one box will go down as soon as i get them.
Dude I am 5'11" and I am pushing 175! I know I'm not that fat but fuck I don't want to wait around till i am 250 to try and loose weight. I was 5'11" and 155 since I was around 19 yrs old, in the past couple of years I have started putting on weight so I am just trying to keep an eye on it.