I remember watching something random like cops or something and this guy, from the hood was walking around and he had been shot multiple times by a 9mm and he was barely bleeding and didn't even seem bothered that there where seven separate pieces of led in him.
Moral of the story is, if someone has their adrenaline pumping and their after you with rage a 9 is going to do shit, a 40. cal is going to (like you said) blow a hole all the way through their body simultaneously while knocking them on their asses and thats what i like

I am going to drop around 5-6 bills on that xdm 40. But also getting this bad muther fucker right here. Since i was 19 all Ive wanted is this beast and its going to run me 8-9 bills but im getting one this summer as well, both of these weapons are fully customizable with dozens of extras avail for each.
you tube video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnKd6iXHTQghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnKd6iXHTQ I liked the gun before this show i don't even have cable lol