Well-Known Member

what;s up my fellow ghetto homies;due to a change in equip,and plans i choped that in sane sativa lookin n,l didnt want to but you know things change,none the less here she is
Hey guys! what up
whats up man, where you been, smoking all that bud? LoL.
Naw, once I get some pictures up I will show you lol. Those pics at the end of my first grow were gone relatively quick lol... I smoke ALOT . and then big bertha was a bitch and i transplanted during flowering because of root lock and then it was basically im not sure what happened with her but i got frustrated about 4 days ago and cut her down and said screw her lol i mean damn flowering from november to the end of february... the bitch wasnt even moving anymore
What yall think about my ghetto growing so far, the weird looking plant in the second to last pic is grape kush and it was crazy looking but it never made it to flower because it got really thirsty while I was gone a week to go stay with family and it had sooo many leaves like a leaf ball so it just dried out completely.(crispy)
Hey there IGUG, I went through all 32, twice, and words fail me. I wish you Good luck & good grow.......BB
Hey dj, LOL, that looks like a "2 liter Mars Lander" from NASA! Good job my friend, I just love "offbeat" grows. I'll be watching......
Concord, Yes! That's my "Watch-cat", Lulu, she's 17 years old. She's also a little pissed-off in the picture, because the new clone chamber is going on top of her favorite nap site, the carpeted floor of the closet. LOL, she'll get over it.......BB