Blue Himalaya Diesel


Active Member
It's only been acouple days and now the BHD's are starting to take off. All BHD's are showing pistals and the earliest one is on Day 20, Oldest is on Day 26. The youngest on the left, oldest on right and the one in the middle is on Day 21. Tallest BHD is about 6-7 inches tall. Staring using MG Bloom Booster on the two BHD's in the red buckets last feeding. Used MG All Purpose on the BHD in the black pot. I did that because I wanted to see if there would be any differnece. As of right now the two in the red buckets are showing more pistals and bigger pistals then the BHD in the black pot so maybe it might have a effect. BHD #3 Pistals.jpgView attachment 1420843BHD Day 26 SideShot.jpgBHD #1 SideShot.jpgBHD TopShot.jpgBHD #2 TopShot.jpgBHD #3.jpgBHD Showing Pistals.jpgView attachment 1420827BHD #2 SideShot.jpg


Active Member
Just thought I would upload some pictures of BHD growth up to day 28. Only 1/3 of its life. My first BHD was dead from dat 2-5. Somehow came back to life. Started to stretch after day 21, I think because I started using MG Bloom Booster every other feeding. Top fan leaves are curved downward I think because of heat stress no other leaves curled downward.The other two BHD's are 6 days behind.BHD Day 1 Just Planted (1-8-2011).jpg BHD Setup (1-14-2011).jpgBHD Setup (1-18-2011).jpgBHD Setup (1-25-2011).jpgBHD Setup (1-30-2011).jpgBHD Setup (2-5-2011).jpg


Active Member
Hey man, your plants are looking sweet. Ive got some BHD waiting in my fridge. Ill be planting them end of this month after my MI5's are done.



I am on day 21 as well I have 7 BHD (and 6 Onyx and 8 reg, Himalayn Kush....dont know why the hell the place I ordered from sent me reg seeds with Fem/autos but oh well..). they have just exploded in the last couple of days...i am serious they have doubled in size in 3or 4 days .. I had a few do exactly what u said about a delay in growth ...dont know why...I literally had 2 that I had given up on...i was about to throw them away and spotted them sprouting..I f you are interested we can compare styles and lighting to see which one works out best or if there is even a difference ...I have mine in rubbermade totes 30 gallon, started in rockwool(NEVER USE THAT CRAP AGAIN) Hydroton clay balls 8 -4" baskets in each with water pump(260gph) feeding them constantly(through 8 way manifold and drip line) aeration is essential so I added a 12" airstone to each tote. I am running them under a 600watt HPS inline fan carbon scrubber all in a 6x6 tent. I am also using advanced nutrients Grow-Micro-Bloom with Nirvana running throughout ...after flowering begins I will add Bud Blood and Bud candy finish with final phase rinse. These pics are from Thursday or Friday...cant really remember I will post some more if it's cool with you lol Poke some smot ya'll:eyesmoke:IMAG0205(1).jpgIMAG0206(1).jpgIMAG0202(1).jpgIMAG0201(1).jpgIMAG0198.jpgIMAG0196.jpgIMAG0199.jpg


Active Member
Wow seems like you got a nice setup on your hands. Your plants are looking good. Post all the pictures you want it doesn't bother me. You will see an even bigger explosion in growth around day 33, by then it should be showing pistals. Its nice to see more people grow the Himalayan Diesel. Even tho we are using 2 completly different setups. I have personally never grown in a hydro setup so I cant give you any good advicein that section of knowledge. Since you are using a 600w HPS your plants will over exceed mine around your day 40. Im only using 6 23w cfls at 1600 lumens each, 4 are 2700k and 2 are 6500k. Also that you are using nutrients. I am using very little, I only use 1/4 strength MG Bloom Booster and that little bit burnt my oldest BHD. So I am using maybe 1/8 dose now and doing that every other watering. It seems like my BHD are very very sensitive to nutes. I can't wait to see how your BHD come along. Good Luck And Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
nice grow dude. i will be stuffing some of those in my cab as im getting BHD for freebies from my next seed order. I picked up both regular and super autos from short stuff and also from the new lineup from Stitch at flash seeds(he works for both). If you like autoflowers so much check out as well. I have a grow journal over there since this community is a bit..... Clickish. If you don't know people or show a huge project people kinda just dont post. But yah the lineup will be
Short Stuff: Super Cali Haze (Fem. Super Auto) Auto Assassin (Fem. Regular Auto) BHD (Fem. Regular Auto)
Flash Seeds: Number One (Fem. Super Auto) Jet 47 (Fem. Regular Auto)
Nirvana: Aurora Indica (Fem. Photo Plant)
Dope Seeds: Cheese (Fem. Photo Plant)
All that for under 200 USD with shipping. I honestly couldn't resist. I think I will have enough bud to last me a while now.


Just chiming in I have some bhd that I just got whats the best way to get the started in a hydroponic system?


Member hydro setup was really inexpensive and very effective...
1-30 gallon tote(rubbemaid) $ 8-10 ....FYI or a Very large white cooler(has built in drain) but the cooler is more than the whole set up with the tote
1-185 gph submersible water pump $10(with free shipping on Amazon)
1 4-8 port drip line manifold $3-5
small roll of black drip line $2-5
360 sprayers or ..just drip either way
1- airpump(at walmart or Petsmart)@10.00
1- 12" air stone
1- small roll of air tubing
4-8 - 3.75" baskets...roughly $0.50-1.00 each
small bag of hydroton clay balls.. under $10.00
This is my set-up... I tried the sprayer tips on the drip line..but I have a 8 port manifold and the pump wasnt large enough to spray so I just went straight line....I used rockwool starter cubes 1.5" but I have heard that perfect starts are a far better and have a better germination rate
Hope it helps ya out...some people hook the pump straight to PVC 3/4" from the pump to a 1/2" T and drill small hole in between the baskets and put in 360 spray tips..and again you will need a larger pump...My way is sooo much simpler and very inexpensive @$ 40-50


Active Member
Thanks for the tip. Personal I don't buy anything but my beans offline. I like using cash and local stores :) Heres an update on my BHD's Oldest Day 39. Youngest Day 33. All starting to bud nicely. Temps average 85F-90F with lights on which is why I think grow is alittle slow. Temps stay around 70F with lights off. Light cycle is now 16/8.. Was 18/6 but changed it for acouple different reasons. Hoping to harvest these by Day 80 would be great. Was hoping on 7 grams per plant. Its looking like I might achieve that goal. IMG_1785.jpgView attachment 1444540View attachment 1444541IMG_1787.jpgIMG_1784.jpgBHD Day 39 SideShot.jpgIMG_1789.jpgIMG_1788.jpgIMG_1781.jpgIMG_1783.jpg



IMAG0240.jpgIMAG0241.jpgNice you are about 10 days ahead of me with your youngest.. here's a couple of pics i just went and took, to put it in perspective the larger leaves are as big as my hand. I am just starting to flower but have many flower sites per plant so far. More fans could help with your heat problems..I have my night in the hottest part of the day too. from 1 -5pm. I haven't had any heat problems at all yet and I have the 600 watt HPS. I'll post some more Friday ..I am wanting to keep a weekly record. The first pic is the Onyx and the second is HBD . I have 6 of one and 8 of the other


Active Member
They are lookin great adam. I heard great things about Oynx strain and you will get some decent yeild from that. Keep up the good work with them SHORT STUFFS. I know the source of my heat problem.. Its because where I placed my box... its in a small closet with alittle vent to get fresh air.. I have no other spot to put it so I just leave the door on my grow box open when lights are on and it says around 75F. But if closed it heats up to 90F, Sometimes 95F if the heat has been turned up in my house. Thats if I have no other choice and have to close the door on it. Next grow I will be using LEDS panels and 2 42w cfls.. So no more heat issue. Gonna use my pc as my veg spot and my bigger box for flower. Cause next grow im thinking of gettin some mix selection from DINEFEM. Heard alot of good things about them.. and have seen people grow before with great results. I might even get the conssoier deal they got goin on the tude right now. 11 reg seeds free with buying 1 reg pack... cant beat that... Heres a video of my 3 BHD's I took acouple days ago. [video=youtube;irp-4OPCxDo][/video]


Active Member
Thank you very much :) and yea I know, I would but its already hot in my grow box. Once I get some more cash hopefully soon im gonna use 4 42w cfls instead of 6 23w cfls. Next grow LEDS and acouple cfls for side lighting.


Right on man I tell ya those ladies are sexy
I am just starting flowering...dropped in the rockwool as seed on Jan 20th and I saw sprouts within a couple of days so I am right at 25 days... I am way happy thus far... here's a pic of one of my leaves.. I am shocked at the size personally ya posted ..lets get to pokin some smot ya'll:eyesmoke: the one with my hand under it on the right is the reg Kush...the left is HBD it's 7-1/2" and the first (HK) is about 8-1/2 or so..DAMN INDOORS IS FASTIMAG0257.jpgIMAG0251.jpg


LED's I hear are only good for vegging ..may work good on autos let me know I am in an apartment and have very limited power...and I want to expand to fill my spare BR completely until it pays for a bigger space ..I'm just an injured floor installer trying to switch careers and do something I love too...but I am very ambitious and the collective I am associated with want me growing for them under I am putting all my limited funds into this so honestly God is carrying me I know...He is with me because this is just a plant ya know...He will make this harvest bountiful and luscious lol


Active Member
Thank you very much :) and yea I know, I would but its already hot in my grow box. Once I get some more cash hopefully soon im gonna use 4 42w cfls instead of 6 23w cfls. Next grow LEDS and acouple cfls for side lighting.
My set up is very similar to yours. To keep my cupboard cool without a fan i make some holes in the roof of my cupboard so as the hot air rises it can escape the grow area leaving it at the right temperature. I make enough holes to make sure enough hot air can get out without loads of light escaping.


Active Member
LED's I hear are only good for vegging ..may work good on autos let me know I am in an apartment and have very limited power...and I want to expand to fill my spare BR completely until it pays for a bigger space ..I'm just an injured floor installer trying to switch careers and do something I love too...but I am very ambitious and the collective I am associated with want me growing for them under I am putting all my limited funds into this so honestly God is carrying me I know...He is with me because this is just a plant ya know...He will make this harvest bountiful and luscious lol
Ive heard many good and bad things about LED'S. Only reason I was even thinking of gettin LEDS is for the summer I need my grow box to be as cool as possible. But now plans have changed and I will be using a friends home (Who is very trustworthy and I have a key to the house) and next grow I will be growing 5 Green House Seeds Super Lemon Hazes, 5 DNA Genetics Cataract Kush, 5 Reserva Privada La Confidental x Cheese, Plus my RS Kandy Kush, Kannabia Afrodite, and my 2 Himalayan Blue Diesels left over from last grow. Plus all the freebies I'll get. So next grow will be massive. Lookin for 5 pounds plus in this grow. I'll let you know more details later once the room is finished. Just got the new veg. room built. New flower room. Ill post more about it in the later weeks.