cinderella99 leaf oddity

Other than it being a kewl trend, I really don't know why any one would choose coco as their medium. I used to use it 30 years ago for its aeration properties, orchid culture, but cannabis is different. If you're doing water culture, fine, coco would be great. If soil, then mix up your own, save some money, and be done with it. Just because it's popular, "everyone is doing it", doesn't mean it's a good thang.

Coco has been around as a grow medium for about 100 years. But there was trouble with it's use in short cultures. This did not change until about 20 years ago. I have been using this medium now for about 4 years. I use it because it has all the taste and such of soil, and much easier to control and impossible to over water. It can be used over and over multiple times. Hell even if the Coco gets infested with Eggs from Pest you can still reuse it, you just flush it with boiling hot water and start all over. But to each his own. But for me, this stuff is so easy to grow in, I could train a monkey to take care of my crops for me. Here is a short video of how Coco has been improved in the last 20 years. It talks about the trouble with Coco before 20 years ago at about 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Click here:::

Now if you do not like Coco that is all good. Some people like Ford's, some people like Chevy's. Kind of like Mounds and Almond Joy.
It talks about the trouble with Coco before 20 years ago at about 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Click here:::

It's another shameless Canna promotional sales production. I made it through about 30 seconds, damn if I'm gonna sit there and suck up all 3 parts of their video hype.

Fellas, if you're gonna support your position with links, whatever the topic of discussion is at the moment, at least be shrewd enough to use links to non-partisan, non-vendor studies or sites.

Boy UB, you sure are Head strong and stuck in your ways. Most likely you will never learn anything new in life with that mentality. Must suck to be you with all the new technology coming out each year. You are so closed minded, I will be damed if I will ever listen to you again. Because most likely, you are preaching from 30 years ago. Anyone that thinks that PH does not matter in COCO, does not know shit about it, and to think that COCO from 30 years ago is the same as is out there today, is back dated in mentality as well. I was willing to listen to your bull shit before. But not any more. So keep your closed minded fucked up input to yourself. I thought you were full of shit before, now I know you are. Full of Shitty out dated Information. And I highly doubt you even grew in Coco as well.

So vent on. I am not listening to your crap anymore.

UB, I just did a quick search on your Threads. You had this same exact argument back in November of 2009. And once again, just like back then. You are arguing like this medium is SOIL. Coco might look like Soil, Hell it might even taste like Soil. BUT THIS IS NOT SOIL! After pages of bashing heads with people, you finally gave in and said that Soil and hydro are totally different. Coco is more like Hydro with what it needs and wants. Soil is much better at buffering itself for PH then COCO. Most people that try Coco for the first time either PH it like Soil and then try and water it like soil. Which Spikes the PH to well above 7.5-8.5 PH which locks the plant up. And If you did try Coco 30 years ago like you said. I bet you screwed it up and never tried it again. You are a soil grower. Stop trying to tell people how to ride a horse when you have only ridden a motorcycle. I know people that do whole crops with out even feeding them once in soil. I would like to see someone do that with coco. I am sure you are a very knowledgeable Soil grower, but I highly doubt you know much about COCO.
So keep your closed minded fucked up input to yourself. I thought you were full of shit before, now I know you are. Full of Shitty out dated Information. And I highly doubt you even grew in Coco as well.

I am not listening to your crap anymore.

Point taken. If Canna and coco is your thing, so be it.
Point taken. If Canna and coco is your thing, so be it.

I am not even using Canna Coco. But that is a very informative video on the ins and outs of how Coco is Produced. And how it has changed through the century. And I know that you are correct, that their are non specific nutrients out there that work great with coco.
But I also know there are a some out there that suck.

Also, Another guy just posted a thread wondering why his plants are dieing. He also thinks Coco is just like Soil. He loaded it with Perlite and LIME, then added Epsom Salt. Most people that use Straight Coco and have trouble, it is caused because they do not give them enough water to flush the Salts out of the micro voids within the Coco, Which sends the PH to sky high numbers. Once this happens, it is not like you can just give them a little flush and walla it is all fix'd. You have to flush them daily for 3-4 days to remove the salts that have built up in these little holes. This is why it is so important to water them with at least 15-20% run off if watered daily, and 30-40% if watered every other day.
Wanna dance? OK......

Also, Another guy just posted a thread wondering why his plants are dieing. He also thinks Coco is just like Soil. He loaded it with Perlite and LIME, then added Epsom Salt.

Suggests he has never grown a plant before......doesn't understand basic cultural dynamics and plant nutrition, but sure as hell is gonna jump on the popular coco cobana bandwagon. :dunce:

BTW, you didn't mention how much lime, what kind of lime and how much epsom salts he used. Very relevant to the issue ya know. :wink:

Most people that use Straight Coco and have trouble, it is caused because they do not give them enough water to flush the Salts out of the micro voids within the Coco,
Wow, a revelation. Doesn't matter what the medium is, you should flush with straight, low TDS water from time to time. Now, if those salts are in the form of say..... insoluble bicarbonates, no amount of water is gonna dissolve them, flush them out.

Tell me, what is the ion charge of coco? What ions found in plant food bind with coco and what ions do not? Very relevant to the issue ya know. :wink:

Since it's been in widespread use for over a 100 years, this should be an easy one fer ya.

Which sends the PH to sky high numbers.
And just how high up does it send it?

...... You have to flush them daily for 3-4 days to remove the salts that have built up in these little holes.
Ya think? In the meantime, if one was to follow your prescription of cleaning out all the crap from "the tiny little holes", you just done lost your plants, or at least compromised their vigor and health due to mal-nutrition. Reminds me of the bozo drills with some of the noobs --> "I just fed them 1/8 nutes."

Solly Charlie, that does more harm than good.

Look, if I can't flush excess salts out of a medium with one or two runs of water in a couple of minutes, I aint using it.

Like I said, I've used coco. It's OK. Osmunda fiber is better. The only problem I had with coco was it breaking down after a certain period of time. I used it for phalaenopsis growing. It can't be used forever like you suggested. It will eventually collapse, turn to mush causing a sloppy anaerobic condtion.


Post edit - I just sat thru the entire Canna promotional sales pitch video. It's the same old crap you find with all cannabis hawking - misrepresentation, half truths, dissing other products (peat moss, soil), just a sales pitch for their over-priced products --> "Canna Coco must be used with Canna Nutes." It is good marketing and a good production but so is Michael Moore's malarky. This is the same bunch of idiots that push their No Mercy CO2 tabs, claiming it enhances root production. Anyone worth their salt knows that an anerobic root zone spells a quick death for the root system.

It's all about the money.
Uncle Ben, Go post you info in someones Soil grow and stop messing up the Coco growers. You have no idea how to grow in Coco, that is obvious.

this plant turned out to be a monster..the fukt leaves continued 2 wks into flower than turned normal and grew some pretty fat buds

the plant does seem to have diff needs than the eats alot
